Fighting bosses

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A/N: I'm suddenly weirdless obsessed with xingqiu

Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: kiyo please

Kiyo: no

Xingqiu: what's happening now

Kaze: I need to fight aeonblight drake to ascend but kiyo won't help me and I cant solo

scara: I can

Scara: shut up mr mcHat

Kiyo: I have like 41 resin thingys left and I need to fight perpetual mech array

Xingqiu: waitttt who's the guy u called mr mcHat

Kiyo: the wanderer aka scaramoose

Scara: shut the fuck up

Kaze: language

Kaze: klee is here

Klee: whht??

Jean: klee be good and log off

Klee: okk

Xingqiu: can we talk about kaze's unappreciated nicknaming skills now

scara: no

Kiyo: ...

Kiyo: kaze do it

Kaze changed scara's nickname to MrMcHat

Kaze: but whats important is I need help with aeonblight drake

MrMcHat: I'll help if u change my name back bc somebody turned off nickname changes

Xingqiu: don't do it

Xingqiu: I'll convince kiyo just keep the name

Kaze: k mr mchat ur keeping ur name

MrMcHat: darn it

Kiyo: how do you expect to convince me xingqiu

Xingqiu: a signed copy of a legend of sword?

Kiyo: ik ur secret identity not interested

Xingqiu: what if I give u enough resin to help kaze

Kiyo: I expect compensation in primogems

Kaze: YES cryo stabby is back in town

Kiyo: technically an anemo/cryo team needs another pyro hydro or electro member to use reactions

Kiyo: since its aeonblight drake we also need an archer or ranged catalyst user

Kaze: kk nacht?

Nacht: what

Xingqiu: backread pls

Nacht; mr mchat lol but no I'm busy

Kaze: I feel betrayed

Kiyo: good

Kaze: shup up @Yoimiya??

Yoimiya: hi kaze!!

Kaze: yoi help me fight aeonblight drake 

Yoimiya: sure but isn't it in sumeru

Kiyo: teleport waypoints bozos

Yoimiya: oh

Kaze: pls help yoi bestie

Yoimiya: wellllllllll sure

Kaze: YES

Kiyo: energetic people sigh

Kiyo: @Xingqiu I expect doubled payment

Xingqiu: ok fine

MrMcHat: all that just to torture me

Kaze: yes lol

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