More Kiyo becuase kiyo is supreme

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: owowowowo

Kiyo: ihy stfu

kayaka: lol

ayato; idk whats going on but lol


GUOBA!!: hahaha

Thomaowo: lmao?


Kiyo: change that to I hate humans

yangu: haha lol idk

Kiyo: nmv make that humans and adepti


Kiyo; and archons

Thomaowo: ajjanahab

Kaze: ??

Thomaowo: sorry that was my dog

Kiyo: make that I hate living creatures

Kiyo: except assassin

Kaze: aw u don't hate us

Kiyo: you have 9 macarons left


GUOBA!!: aw I'll make u more

Kiyo: no u won't 

GUOBA!!: should I be concerned

TravellerLumine: yes

Chitartajax: short people always have an attitude

Kiyo: added to list of things to kill: ajax childe tartaglia, height 6'1, age 21, weakest aka 11th of the fatui harbringers, vision hydro, delusion electro, weapon bow/dual melee, hair ginger, eyes aquamarine, personality highly annoying and wanting to fight literally everything, birthday july 20, weakness stupidity/carelessness

Ksara: what the flying fuck I open the chat to a load of info abt some stranger

Kaze: oo kiyo do u know that abt everyone

Kiyo; everyone except 1

TravellerLumine: who do u not know

Kiyo: paimon

Bestest: haha paimon is very secretive

Kiyo: shut up fish


TravellerLumine: paimon did survive underwtaer for a while

heizou: what do u know about me kiyo

Kiyo: shikanoin heizou, height 5'4, age 20, bday july 24, vision anemo, weapon catalyst, occupation detective of the tenryou commision, personality weird and smartass, nerd, hair aubern, eyes olive, weakness easily bribed by mystery novels and puzzles, Inazuman

heizou: surprisingly accurate

Kaze: me veerta and nacht

Kiyo: tenkiko kazemari, birthday jan 31, age 23, height 5'2, personality annoying and overly energetic, hair platinum, eyes blue, vision anemo, weapon sword, inazuman, dumb, extrovert, weakness stupidity, not short on money but a freeloader

Kiyo: veeradila 'veerta' duniya, birthday march 7, height 5'1, age 23, graduate of vahumana, vision electro, weapon catalyst, personality innocent, soft, hair red brown, eyes green, weakness things that look said, the only actually nice one, sumerian

Kiyo: nacht merung, birthday november 3, height 5'6, age 21, weapon bow, vision hydro, hair black, eyes purple, nerdiest of the nerds, personality violent and brainy,  weakness doesn't pay attention when lecturing, writes too many essays and stuff, mondstadter

veerta: how did u know my real name I don't like it

Kaze: o

A/N: I filled an entire google docs page by typing the entire alphabet over and over again in size 1

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