Weird connections

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Hvkw [Group chat]

Kaze: emergency pallad is dying what fo i dooo

Albedo: let him die

Kiyo: let him die

Eula: let him die

Lumine: cruelty.

Kiyo: I bet 10k primos you let him die too

Lumine: true

Lumine: wait 10k how

Kiyo: pros of being friends with a god

Eula: a god? which god?

Kaze: remember nahida

Albedo: the dendro archon, correct?

Lumine: aren't  you her. like. employee

Kiyo: you do realize its not an actual job right

Kiyo: she wants the donuts and I want the primogems

Kaze: pallad died btw

Eula: wonderful, vengeance for interrupting my da

Eula: hang out with amber

Lumine: you were gonna say date weren't you

Eula: I was not, vengeance will be mine!


Eula: stop it this instant

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Eula: stop it this instant

Kiyo: no + kaze you owe me 5k mora

Kaze: wait what

Lumine: another day, another episode in the chronicles of the nkvk household

Kiyo: 2 weeks ago I bought everyone ice cream, nacht and veerta paid me back

Kaze: its not free??

Kiyo: no

Kaze: but but but why

Veerta: kiyo stop bullying her

Veerta sent Kiyo 5000 mora

Eula: what am I witnessing

Albedo: if you wish to keep the date incident quiet I suggest you don't attract their attention for now

Eula: I suppose so

Kiyo: oh and

Kiyo added Arlecchino to the chat

Kiyo: new member of hell union

Lumine: wait the knave? how do u know her

Kiyo: connections

Kaze: she means neuvillette

Arlecchino: hello, traveller

Lumine: hii

Arlecchino: you seem strangely friendly considering we fought the last time we met

Lumine: I befriend harbingers who I fight

Lumine: and don't die

Albedo: ah, traveller and her strange connections

Arlecchino: are you talking about childe? I believe he is the only other harbinger you've met apart from signora

Lumine: and scaramouche (deleted)

Lumine: I mean yeahh

Kiyo: almost let it slip huh

Kaze: what am I missing whats it

Lumine: nothinnggg honestly tho kiyo why do you know

Kiyo: pros of being friends with a god

Kiyo: nahida tells me stuff

Albedo: do you know about me, then?

Kiyo: the whole evil twin thing yeah not the details tho

Kaze: wait what evil twin thing

Arlecchino: I do not like to be left in the dark

Lumine: ahaha we'll talk about that another time

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