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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

dot, pants, and 7 others joined the chat

Kaze: wgat

Weaselette: hi <3

scara: are you involved childe

Chitartajax: uh no

Clown.Lmao: yes you are


goomylumi: no you aren't 

Kaze: um

Fatuibabysitter: who tf changed my name


Clown.Lmao: stop fighting rn

Weaselette: @Kaze what were you saying?

Kaze: kiyo is missing and won't reply to me

Kiyo: I'm not missing

Kaze: then why didn't you reply to me 🥺

Kiyo: I blocked u

pants: lol

goomylumi: who is pants

Kaze: pantalone/regrator, male, tall, 9th of the fatui harbringers

pants: I'm concerned

Signora: u should be

Kaze: anywayz kiyo where r you

Kiyo: snezhnaya

Nachos: I refuse to believe u went from mondstadt to snezhnaya overnight

goomylumi: true tho isn't it on the other side of the world or smth

Kiyo: I flew on the pigeon duo

Bestest: you rode 2 pigeons??

Kaze: oh no

goomylumi: ?

Kaze: she has two pet skywatch ruin guards named pig and eon

Chitartajax: lmao pig

ruinmachinesupremacy: I thought I was the only one with pet ruin machs

Bestest: srsly what can kiyo do

Kiyo: everything

Nachos: come to think of it she has abilities of all the fatui harbringers

Nachos: dottore-know where everyone is, weaselette-act innocent, arlecchino-be scary, clown- be creepy asf, ruin mach girl-keep pet ruin machines, tartaglia-use multiple weapons, pants-rich as hell, chicken dude-be a leading figure, la signora-use multiple elements (kind of), capitano-capable of talking to solve problems

goomylumi: kiyo can use multiple elements!?

Kaze: she has a high pressure water gun

goomylumi: oh

goomylumi: also I don't like tjis name anymore

goomylumi changed their nickname to lumi

Kiyo: tjis

veerta: since when was kiyo a leading figure

Kaze: she's the heir to a spear dojo or smth

Clown.Lmao: I just got reports about someone massacring multiple encampments of fatui skirmishers

scara: your point being?

Kaze: um kiyo?

Kiyo: all I did was let pig go wild

Kiyo: pig is less violent than eon

Kaze: lesson learned: never let kiyo go to snezhnaya on two violent skywatch ruin drakes

Kiyo: you can't stop me weakling

dot: lol


A/N: and this this chapter ends with scara roasting dottore off screen

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