Operation prk

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Hell union [group chat]

Kiyo: hello members of hell union i have an announcement 

Lyney: wow kiyo's really into this hell union thing

Kiyo: i am launching an rkc upgrade and i need help

Lyney: is rhis even the real kiyo

Nacht: can confirm she's clicking so fast on her phone rn

Kiyo: i need contributions of: primogems, dna, combat behavior analysis volunteers

Kiyo: this will be called operation prk (primogem rkc) and will be inspired by ruby's unique abilities

Albedo: she has unique abilities?

Nacht: don't question it. ruby is a menace

Lyney: wait dna why

Kiyo: shut up and don't ask pls donate

Albedo shared a file: dnasamples_human.file

Kiyo: great

Kiyo gave Albedo admin

Kiyo: ur promoted. nacht ur demoted

Kiyo removed admin from Nacht

Nacht: finally

Lyney: wow she's actually being nice how rare

Kiyo gave Nacht Admin

Kiyo removed admin from Albedo

Kiyo: nvm u deserve to suffer more than albedo

Nacht: I.

Nacht: never thought I'd miss kaze's reign of terror

Albedo: not quite sure what I just witnessed but do you need more dna samples?

Kiyo: nah I'm good

Ei: I can get general kujou to give you combat behavior if you're willing to come to inazuma ro see

Lyney: is that the raiden shogun and is she being nice

Ei: I am learning to try and interact with my citizens

Kiyo: I can use teleport waypoints mere immortal

Nacht: "mere immortal"

Ei: very well, I'll notify general kujou

Albedo: why does this sound like a criminal deal

Lyney: don't be rude let the inazumans communicate

Albedo: of course

Kiyo; can anyone donate primogems I need 4627k in total for the upgrades

Nacht: 4627k as in 4627000 and not 4627

Kiyo: I Am Never Wrong Fool

Lyney: my monthly primogem income is 14.4k what

Lynette: actually it's 15k I definitely did not take some to buy cat food

Lyney: yes ofc u didn't

Lynette: goodbye

Albedo: healthy sibling relationships who don't try to kill each other

Albedo: btw

Albedo sent some currency to Kiyo: 3000k Primogems

Nacht: whta the fcuk

Nacht: teach me I'm a fast reader write me an essay

Nacht; hello?

Albedo shared a file with Nacht: Primogem_Earning_Tips.doc

Lyney: that was fast

Kiyo: thank you for the donations anyone else

Albedo: probably not, those were my life savings

Kiyo sent some currency to Albedo: 1500k Primogems

Kiyo: look I'm mean but not thst mean

Lyney: big numbers

Nacht: my entire life i have earned less than 1 000 000

Kiyo: I am open to donations from @everyone make it fast even if its a bit

Kiyo: I'll threaten kazemari to make an announcement in her server later the goal is at least 2000k from here then add around 2000k from kaze's server and the rest from myself

Lyney: ok no looking at those numbers I'll send a bit next week from (definitely not) lynette's cat food funds

Lynette: Brother no.

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