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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: are we going to question the fact that kiyo spends 70% of her time in dragonspine these days like girl what u doing there @Kiyo

Kiyo: i'm at 99% exploration missing 1 common chest but i didn't keep track on an imteractive map

Lumine: i can relate dragonspine exploration sucks

Kiyo: also i like cold places but snezhnaya is full of fatui bitches

Kaze: bro dragonspine is cold as heck are you immune to sheer cold or smth

Kiyo: as a matter of fact yes i am immune to sheer cold and basically everything cold except for getting hit in the face by cryo attacks

Kiyo: also stop disturbing me I'm busy

Kiyo: if you keep bothering i will curse you with food poisoning

Kaze: i have antidotes prepared 😎

Kiyo: do you have antidotes for berry fox dung sauce dipped in giant beating heart juice covered in dragon teeth powder

Kaze: what the fuck fuyuhana

Lumine: are you mentally ok kiyo

Kiyo: probably 70%

YUKI: actually that's 60%

Lumine: oh also i have a question how do u light torches without pyro

Kiyo: i don't

Kiyo: the cold can't hurt me

Kaze: i want sheer cold immunity too teach me

Kiyo: it comes naturally

YUKI: she spends too much time in snezhnaya and dragonspine

Kaze: not surprised

Lumine: kiyo?

Lumine: u okay?

Kiyo: i'm fine the fatui cicin mage is not

RUME: i would like to quote: "get out of trouble by talking, otherwise violence is always the answer" -kiyo fuyuhana

Lumine: yeaaah honestly relatable

Kaze: yall are psychos and mass murderers

Kiyo: as a matter of fact i am a sub dps so compared to the main dps's of the gc i commit less direct murder

Lumine: istg kiyo was a main dps

Kaze: ikrr

Lumine: ok ok can u be a dps tho

Kiyo: i am capable

Kiyo: now actually shut up or mondstadt will not be okay

Kaze: do you really have more mass homicide weapons

Kiyo: plenty

Kaze: lumi i think we should shut up

Lumine: agreed

Kiyo: good

Kiyo is now offline

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