Don't try this at home

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Xiangling: guys whats 4827 + 2847

Kiyo: 916364627364

Xianglings: thanks

Xiangling: WAIT NO ITS NOT

Kiyo: lol

Kaze: is that real kiyo

Kiyo: no its kaze

Kaze: no bruh??

Xiangling: prob real kiyo being sus

Kiyo: :)

Kaze: ok that is not kiyo blueemo™ is not capable of smiley faces

Xiangling: who's smart enough to hijack her tho

Kaze: the smartui?

Alhaitham: We are not the only intelligent people in the group chat.

Kiyo: :)))

Kaze: stop scaring me

Xiangling: knock on kiyo's room

Kaze: k on it

Kaze: she yelled shut up and sent kim after me before i could say anything

Xiangling: oof test her then

Kaze: ok to prove ur the real kiyo answer these questions

Kiyo: on it :)

Kaze: what instruments can u play

Kiyo: flute, ukulele

Kaze: ok thats actually right

Xiangling: since when could kiyo play instruments??

Kiyo: since the day i was born /j

Xiao: aren't flutes a venti thing

Venti: nah i'm more lyre

Kaze: shut up simps next up @Kiyo how long did you sleep in the past 3 days

Kiyo: 16 hours 57 minutes, 4 minutes, 4 hours 26 minutes

Xiangling: so is she sleep deprived or does she just sleep randomly-

Kaze: according to rume's notes that is correct down to the minute

Xiangling: so its either kiyo being goofy or someone who stalks her

Xianngling: actually is it kaze

Kaze: I'm here??

Kiyo: more questions?

Kaze: ok um what did you do yesterday at 11am

Kiyo: eat chips

Kaze: i give up

Xiangling: so are we accepting this is real kiyo

Kiyo is now offline

Kiyo is now online

Kiyo: who tf was it confess or im tracking ur ip

Kaze: oh that ones real

Xiangling: what if its an npc

Kiyo: might be might not be, i'll check the ip

Kiyo: who's ":)x 🔥"

Xiangling: smiley yanxiao?

Kaze: ozor?

Veerta: it was kaveh

Kaze: oh ok


Veerta: he learned some tech stuff and decided to try it out

Kiyo: stupid architect

Kaveh: .

Kiyo: die

Kiyo: then become a zombie

Kiyo: then die again

Kiyo: preferably painfully

Kiyo: keep an eye out for deliveries

Kaveh: hey at least it worked

Kaveh: don't try this at home

Kiyo is now offline

Veerta: now i can safely admit i helped him with the info

Veerta deleted a message

Kaze: what have i witnessed

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