Skill issue

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Kazeland 2 [group chat]

Kaze: when u realize ur friend with god tier hair cut it herself

Kiyo: skill issue

Lumine: skill issue

Kaveh: skill issue

Yae: skill issue

Kaze: yall exist to bully me

Yae: (;

Kaveh; that is disturbing

Yae: why that's quite rude

Kaze: kaveh my friend I shall forgive you and tell you

Kaze: guuji yae is disturbing

Kaveh: i can tell

Kaveh: i'm still hotter than u tho

Kaze: WHAT

Lumine: skill issue

Yae: skill issue

Kiyo: skill issue

Kaveh: skill issue

Kaze: uGh but srsly tho kiyo should get a nerf like albedo

Kiyo: I was made by the Author not hoyoverse

Kiyo: the Author loves me too much

Kaze: ayo the Author made me too but i got lameass hair 

Lumine: skill issue

Yae: skill issue

Kaveh: skill issue

Kaze: sTOP IT ✋ 

Kaveh: i got a question tho

Kaveh: who tf is the author

Lumine: this kid who created kiyo and kaze and co and is kinda scripting what we're doing rn

Kaze: lumi don't put it like that it sounds creepy

Lumine: true

Kiyo: i'm the Author's first oc so naturally she likes me more than kaze

Kaze: shuttup i was second but the Author likes [redacted bc spoilerz] more

Yae: skill issue

Kaveh: skill issue

Lumine: skill issue

Kiyo: skill issue


Kaze: k but as revenge im exposing all the kiyo tea i've been gathering

Yae: hmm i'd like to see

Kaze shared a document: KIYO TEA

Lumine: reading now

like 2 minutes later


Lumine: kaze is this real

Kaze: 100% real confirmed source: me

Lumine: ok so for a while yall called her knife kid and she went along with it

Kiyo: canonically no but in this chapter the Author made it canon

Kaze: so yes

Yae: are you not going to say something else @Kiyo

Yae: not going to stop us ~?

Kiyo: meh its amusing to watch

Kaze: ok that is NOT the reaction i wanted

Kaze: lets change the topic

Yae: but that was funny

Kaze: hey it didn't work out

Yae: hmph skill issue

Lumine: skill issue

Kaveh: skill issue

Kiyo: skill issue

Kaze: seriously did yall have some secret agreement

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