Episode 1 Chapter 1

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Cassie lifted her head off the desk, gasping for air. She quickly calmed down when she looked around the loft and saw that it was just a dream.

She has had the same recurring dream ever since the month after the whole going to Mexico to save Scott and Kira event. And it wasn't like she was in the dream; it was more like she was observing it, but at the same time, it felt like it was a memory that kept resurfacing over and over again.

Over the past six months, nothing supernaturally bad has happened to the pack. It was basically like heaven those six months since it felt like a big, long break from saving Beacon Hills. At least for the pack it did.

For Cassie, the supernatural drama never ended. She had been getting letter after letter from her mom, all were just begging for Cassie to just contact her. Apparently, her mom had moved to San Fransico because Beacon Hills was 'too dangerous for her'. She wanted Cassie to meet up with her in San Fransico, so she could try to help her with whatever what was going on with her powers.

Cassie didn't know if she would go to San Fransico or not. On one hand, she couldn't face her mom just yet. She had mixed feelings when she found out her mom was alive. She was relieved that her mom wasn't killed by assassins. She was angry that her mom committed suicide, left her body to be found by her youngest daughter, and now suddenly wants to everything to be all 'goody-goody' with her. It was just all confusing. On the other hand, she really needed to find out what was going on with her powers.

Ever since that night in Mexico, Cassie felt more and more drained every day. It was like successfully doing a spell had triggered something inside her. She felt like her powers were slowly fading away. She felt like she was slowly fading as well.

She couldn't tell this to the pack though. Six months of complete freedom from the chore of saving Beacon Hill and everyone in its ass. She didn't want the pack to deal with her supernatural problems. After all, it was her problem, not theirs.

She jumped when she heard her phone ring. She sighed, grabbing her phone and accepting the call.

"Hey, Cass, are you at the high school yet?" Stiles asked.

"Why would I be at the high school?"

"Senior Scribe. Which is going on at the high school."

"Oh, shit," she whispered, quickly packing up all her stuff on her desk.

"You forgot, didn't you?"

"What? Pftt, no. I would never forget. I'm actually on my way there right now."



"You're a terrible liar."

She sighed. "I know," she agreed. "I'm sorry, okay? I fell asleep for a bit while looking for colleges online and I literally just woke up. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?"

"Okay. Just don't be late. I want everyone to be here. It's the last day of summer."

"I know, Stiles. I'll be there, alright? Promise."

"Hey, wear something warm. It's pouring rain out here."

"Yeah, I know. I can see the rain from here," she replied. "I'll see you in a bit. Bye."

She hung up the phone and placed it on her desk before getting ready.


Cassie ran through the rain to the front of the school where she was supposed to be meeting up with the rest of the pack. She saw Malia leaning on one of the pillars and Stiles looking out into the rain with his hands on his hips.

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