Episode 3 Chapter 32

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Cassie tossed and turned in her sleep, not being able to find a comfortable position. Her vision replaced her dreams which made it a lot harder to get some sleep.

Flashes started appeared in her mind with a same haunting song on the background. The flashes had lightning in the sky, masked men riding on black horses, gunshots with people's screams. The usual.

"If you give this man a ride..."
"Sweet memory will die..."
"Killer on the road..."

With each passing moment, the same flashes seemed to replay, only they got faster and faster each time with the same somber, yet haunting, song in the background.

The same male voice was heard in her dream. But it wasn't just his voice, it was hers as well. They were having what seemed like multiple conversations. One switching to another.

"Remember how you were the first girl I've ever danced with?"

"Do you want to dance?"

"I don't dance."

"Cass, get off your cute little ass and dance with me now."

"Or how I accidentally told you I liked you in sophomore year?"

"I like you, Cass, and not just as a friend. As in, I would love for you to be my girlfriend kind of way. And I know, it's really stupid to be telling you this while you're sleeping, but I can't help it. Every time I see you, I just get so nervous... I think I more than just like you, Cass."

"I didn't know I make you so nervous... I like you too."

"Remember how you saved my life multiple times?"

"I'm fine. I'm okay. You... you saved me."

"Of course, I did. I... I couldn't lose you."

"Remember that I'm in love with you."

"I love you, Cassandra Williams. I love you so god damn much."

"I love you too, Stiles Stilinski."

Cassie opened her eyes, lying wide awake. She sat up in her bed and looked around her to see her surroundings. She sighed in relief once she saw that she was in Derek's loft with Emily sleeping soundly on the couch.

She looked at Emily when she saw her tossing and turning in her own sleep. She saw the fear in her expression while she slept and knew that she was having a nightmare.

She quickly got out of bed and went over to Emily's side. Just as she sat on the cushion beside Emily's head, Emily jolted up out of her sleep.

"Hey. Hey, it's okay. It's okay. You're safe," Cassie comforted, pulling her stepsister into her arms.

Emily had nightmares often. Ever since her near-death experience with Jennifer Blake when she was just a sophomore, she's been having a difficult time with dealing with her trauma. That's why both Harold and Vanessa took her to Massachusetts because one, Lottie was there for college, and two, it was known to have the second-best mental health care in the country.

They were hesitant to leave Cassie by herself for a year, but she convinced them that since she was turning eighteen soon, she'd legally be an adult and could take care of herself. And though she was only seventeen when they left, they still trusted her that she'd stick to her word.

But that didn't exactly go so well considering she died. Twice.

"It felt so real," Emily sobbed, hugging Cassie tightly.

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