Episode 10 Chapter 44

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They all stared in pure shock when they saw the shadow come through the bright light. But then, the shadow stopped coming towards them which made their shock replace with panic.

"Come on, Stiles! Keep going!" Cassie urged, not caring about her tears falling anymore. "I can see you! You can do it! Just keep going!"

The bright light started to fade, making Cassie's hopeful smile falter. Her eyes flickered around as she tried to look for the figure again. But there was nothing in the hallway ahead of them.

"Stiles?" she called out, losing hope all over again.

Scott sent her a sympathetic look. "Cassie?"

"He should be here. I saw him. It was working," she spoke; her voice breaking. She saw their confused expressions when she turned to meet them. "You all saw him, right?"

Malia shook her head, sending her a sympathetic look as well. "We didn't see anyone."

"No..." she murmured, turning away to see the hallway again. "He was here. I know it. Stiles was here. He had to be."

Lydia took a hold of Cassie's shaky hands. She gave Cassie a comforting smile when she turned to her. She started to pull her back into the bunker where Scott and Malia were already walking into.

Cassie walked with her, feeling defeated and confused. She swore she saw him, yet he was nowhere to be seen.

As soon as they were all in the bunker again, Scott started to close the door. A hand then suddenly clamped down onto the door which made him stop. The thud sound made everyone turn to it, and walked in was Liam.

"Liam!" Scott spoke, surprised, but relieved, that the beta was there.

"There's something you need to see," Liam said straightforwardly.

"You're still here."

"But everyone else is gone," the beta replied. "All of them. They're all gone. Look, you have to come with me."

Scott furrowed his brows in concern. "What is it?"

He started to stammer, "I-I can't explain it. I have to show you."

"Uh, alright," he agreed. He turned to the girls. "You guys stay here. Just in case-"

"In case Stiles comes back?" Malia finished, cutting him off slightly.

Scott nodded. "If there's any hope, you need to keep trying."

He then went out and shut the door, leaving Cassie, Lydia, and Malia in the bunker.

Just after the two werewolves were gone, Cassie and Malia shared a knowing look. Cassie sent a single nod to her, and she went to go open the door with Cassie by her side.

Lydia turned to them. "What are you guys doing?"

"We're gonna go find Stiles," Malia simply replied.

"Scott told us to stay here in case he shows up here," Lydia responded.

"Lyds, Stiles isn't coming here. He's never been here before. At least not that I know of. Besides, if he was coming here, he would've already, and so far, he hasn't," Cassie said. "Look, I know it worked. I saw him. Stiles is out there, and I can feel it."

Lydia smirked. "Then, what are we doing standing here? Let's go."

Cassie let out a breath of relief and started to smile when Lydia agreed. The three girls then went out the bunker and began their way to find Stiles.

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