Episode 5 Chapter 5

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"Cass, open your eyes! Please! Open your eyes!"

Cassie opened her eyes, blinking a few times to make the blurriness in her vision go away. She heard the person beside her sigh in relief. She looked around the room she was in and saw that she was in the loft. Her eyes landed on Stiles who was sitting beside her bed with shaky hands; one of them being covered in blood.

She immediately sat up, assuming the worst, trying to ignore the pain stabbing at her head.

"Did he hurt you? What did he do to you? Are you okay?" she kept asking, grabbing his hand and examining it for any wounds.

He took his hand away. "You knew he was trying to kill me?"

"Yes, and I'm so sorry if he hurt you," she apologized, making him more confused. "I-I just, I was trying to fight him off or at least knock him out so he wouldn't even go near you, but then he ended up knocking me out. And I'm so so sorry. I-"

He pulled her into his arms, embracing her tightly as his breaths became slightly more relaxed. He placed his lips on top of her head, feeling her wrap her arms around him and hugging him back.

"I killed him," he confessed, breaking the silence.

Cassie pulled away from him, looking at him with an unreadable expression. His breaths became shaky again as tears pooled in his eyes.

"I-I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get away, and there was this... this metal pin and I pulled it. Then these all these pipes came down and he-"

"Stiles," she called gently, putting her hands on top of his. "You don't have to explain yourself."

He looked at her, relief shown in his eyes. "I don't?"

She shook her head. "No. It was self-defense, alright? He tried to kill you, and all you did was try to defend yourself. There's nothing wrong with that. And if someone thought that there was then they're an idiot."

"Cass, what... what are we gonna do?"

"Did you... you know, get rid of the body?"

"That's the thing. Cass, when I went back, there was no body, and everything was set up like nothing happened. Someone might've taken it, or maybe he survived and ran. I don't know."

"It's gonna be okay, alright? We'll figure it out."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to drag you into this."

"Hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out together. Hey, look at me." She cupped one side of his face, turning him to her. "We'll figure it out, okay? But for now, we just have to pretend it didn't happen. It's gonna be a bit difficult, but you're not alone, okay? You have me."

"What am I supposed to tell Scott? You know him. He has this self-righteousness. How is he gonna react?"

"Stiles, he's your best friend. You guys are like brothers. He'll understand."

He nodded, not really wanting to think otherwise. He didn't say anything else as he just pulled her into another hug.

They just sat there, embracing each other. Stiles held onto her tightly as if he would lose her if he didn't.


It was the next day. Like Cassie had said, both her and Stiles have been trying to act normal as if nothing had happened.

According to Scott, someone had been taking the bodies somewhere. And Malia had found a book in Tracy's bedroom called 'The Dread Doctors'.

Cassie tried to help Stiles find the author's name on the internet, but all they found out was nothing. They both just made a guess that it was a pen name.

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