Chapter 18

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Stiles, Scott and Kira got out of the jeep. Stiles went over to the station to fill up his gas as both Kira and Scott looked around the noisy city around them.

"You're sure she's here?" Kira questioned, looking over at Stiles.

He nodded. "I'm sure. I read it in her letters that she's staying in San Francisco. It has to be here."

Suddenly, something pierced both Scott and Kira's ears. They didn't know what it was, but it left their eardrums ringing. They both bent down, crying out in pain.

But what followed the sound was a powerful soundwave that almost knocked them down to the ground.

"What? What's happening?" Stiles asked worriedly, going over to both of them.

Scott turned to Kira. "Did you hear it too?"

She nodded. "And felt it," she added. "It had to have been Cassie, right? I mean, it was her voice. It definitely sounded like her."

"Guys, not all of us have supernatural hearing!" Stiles said, trying to get their attention.

"We heard her. We heard her scream," Scott replied, going over to the passenger side of the jeep with Kira following behind.

"Wait. Are... are you sure? Are you sure it was her?" Stiles asked, going over to the gas pump and taking it out.

"Yes. It had to have been," Kira replied, getting in the backseats.

"Come on. I think I know where it came from."


They all got out of the jeep, arriving at a simple one-story home that was on a hill with no other surrounding houses.

When Scott got out of the jeep, he sniffed the air and realized he smelt something. Something he was way too familiar with.


"What? What, Scott?" Kira asked, making Stiles turn to them.

"It's blood. I smell blood. But I-I can't tell if it's Cassie's or not, and I can't locate it," he replied. "The scent's everywhere."

Panic arose in Stiles. "We have to find her. You guys look inside; I'll go look outside."

They had no time to argue as Stiles was already making his way to the backyard.

When he got to the fence, he tried opening it to see if it was unlocked, and surprisingly, it was. He pushed it open and right away, he saw the black cat that was sent by Cassie's mom to send her letters.

It meowed at him before turning away and prancing into the woods that were apparently a part of the backyard. He furrowed his brows, hesitating for a moment before deciding to follow it.

Following a cat into the woods so he could find his ex-girlfriend who he still had feelings for and still kissed from time to time was definitely one of the weirdest things he's ever done. But then again, he has seen and experienced things no other human being could even imagine doing before.

He followed the cat deeper and deeper into the woods until the house was just a blur to him. There was when he saw her. Just a few feet away from him. His Cassie. Her back was turned to him, and at looked as if she were burying something, or someone.

"Cass?" he called out, making her stop.

She turned to him, and god, was she a wreck. There was dust of dirt that covered her face as well as a giant smear of blood that was on her forehead. Tears were running down her cheeks, and her eyes were red and puffy.

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