Episode 8 Chapter 10

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Cassie woke up in yet again a fog filled loft with darkness all around her. She carefully stepped out of bed and tried to touch anything that was supposed to be inside the loft. Pillars, walls, furniture. But she couldn't feel anything.

She looked around her and realized that there was a dimmed light that shined on her wherever she went. She realized the same thing in the last dream. Except, this light was dimmer.

"We meet again, Cassie."

Cassie turned around, hearing the voice. She exhaled shakily when she saw that it was the same shadow from the night before.

"I know you decided to go see your mother after all this time," the shadow revealed. "I know you still don't want to face her even with your mind changed."

"What are you?" Cassie demanded.

"I told you. I am the darkness inside your soul."

"What are you really?"

"What? Do you not believe that poor, sweet, selfless Cassie has a dark side? Well, hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but everyone does. Yours is just more powerful. That is what you want, right? Power?"

"What I want to know is who you are and why you're doing this to me."

The shadow chuckled. "How many times do I have to repeat it until you understand? Hm? I'm not doing anything to you, Cassie. You're the one that summoned me. You're the reason I'm inside you. You called me, and all I'm doing is trying to help."

Cassie narrowed her eyes at it. "You're lying."

"Am I? Or are you?" the shadow countered. "You keep lying to yourself like this, Cassie. It's actually making me feel bad for you."

"Whatever you're doing to me... stop. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Yeah, that's the thing, Cassie. You do. You want to live, and I'm the reason you're still alive. Without me, you'd be dead ages ago."

"I should've been dead ages ago."

"Ah yes, resurrection. Here's a little fun fact for you. In order to resurrect someone, you need a human sacrifice in exchange. You know, to keep nature in balance like all witches are supposed to do. Which is the reason why resurrection is forbidden magic in the witch world. So, technically, the reason I'm here isn't mine or your fault. It's the person who brought you back to life's fault," it whispered hauntingly.

"And now, you're going to see that person in less than a week. The person that you should be faulting for all this happening to you. The person that you should hate. But you don't. Why might that be, Cassie? Because she's your mother? Well, like you said. She lost her rights to the title after she chose to leave your family. After she left you. So, really, there's no reason for someone like you to defend her now."

The shadow started walking to the right, making Cassie walk to the left instinctively. She kept her eyes on the shadow, waiting for its next move.

"In fact, Cassie... giving in would be the best revenge," it said. "Imagine how she would feel knowing she failed as a mother. She's probably known that feeling ever since she left you. Imagine how worse you would make her feel. You'd make her feel the same emotion you felt over the years for what she did. Wouldn't that be... satisfying? You would have all the power you want while your mother would suffer knowing her daughter is lost."

"So, if I give in, wouldn't that mean I won't be alive anymore?"

The shadow stopped, making her stop as well. It was as if the shadow was already controlling Cassie's movements.

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