Episode 2 Chapter 31

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Cassie was in her psychology class as her teacher continued to speak on and on about something that included neuropsychology. She was copying notes in her notebook as her leg bounced up and down rapidly; her heel making a light tapping sound on the tiled floor.

She sighed, leaning back in her seat when she was finished with her notes. She started to grab her left ring finger instinctively. She didn't know why, but it was something that she did when she was bored or anxious.

She then froze when she realized she only felt her finger. She lifted her right hand off and saw that there was nothing on her left ring finger. She couldn't help but feel surprised.

She felt like there was supposed to be something there. Like she was missing something. Had she lost something important to her but then just forgot? Was that what she was forgetting about a few nights before?

Cassie was then pulled from her thoughts when the teacher called on her.


She looked up, feeling her social anxiety hit her. "Hm?"

"I asked what the one of the types was of dementia."

"Oh, um..." she began to stammer, beginning to feel nervous with all eyes on her. "Frontotemporal dementia."

"I was actually expecting you to say Alzheimer's disease, but that works too," her teacher replied. "Anyways, Alzheimer's disease can hit people from ages sixty-five and older. It's quite rare for younger people under sixty-five to get it, but it can still happen..."

Her teacher's voice started to fade out as the only sound she could focus on was the sound of her heart thumping in her chest.

God, that was one of the most embarrassing things ever, she thought to herself.

She then began to wonder how she even knew about frontotemporal dementia. She had never even thought of it until she said it. She didn't even know the word 'frontotemporal' existed. It was just the first thing she could think of when her teacher mentioned something about dementia.

She just shrugged it off, thinking she just forgot learning about it. She was getting extremely forgetful these days.


Cassie stood at a locker, trying to unlock it. She swore that the lock was just broken at that point since she put in her code multiple times.

"What're you doing?" Malia asked, making her glance at her.

"Just my locker. It isn't opening, and I've put in my code like a hundred times already," Cassie exaggerated, still trying to unlock it.

"Well, maybe it's because that isn't your locker."

She froze, her hand slipping off the lock. She looked up at the locker number and saw that it wasn't even close to where her locker was.

"Huh," was all she could say.

Something weird was going on. Something that was clearly getting to her.

She just didn't know what.


Cassie was in her math class with both Lydia and Malia. Her leg was bouncing up and down rapidly again; her heel making a small clicking sound when it tapped on the tiled floor.

She looked up when she felt a hand on her shoulder and saw that it was Lydia.

She smiled warmly. "Hey. What's up?"

Lydia kneeled down, whispering to her in a hushed tone. "Have weird things been happening to you? Just this morning, I woke up to a train going into my room."

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