Chapter 15

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Cassie paced back and forth in her cell as she waited for Katherine to pick her up. She glanced over to Stella and Ben glaring daggers into her skull. She rolled her eyes, not even phased by their looks.

She picked at her nails anxiously. She saw a female guard coming up to the holding cell.

"You're lucky your mom's so good at arguing, goth girl," the guard said, unlocking the cell with a simple swipe of her card. "Come on, out you go."

Cassie sighed; her cheeks were tinted pink as she was a bit embarrassed that she addressed her as 'goth girl'. She muttered a small thanks to the guard as she passed her. She felt Stella and Ben's eyes still on her.

As she exited out the room, she began to feel an uneasiness creeping up. She was worried what Katherine would say to her. Though she was still angry at her from being the cause of what was happening to her, she still cared about what she thought of her. It didn't make much sense to Cassie why she still felt that way after all these years, but a part of her, no matter how angry she was, still loved her mother.

Katherine left Cassie in such a brutal way. She had done so many things that could've damaged her family if she let it. She had kept so many secrets from Cassie and then acted as if the secrets didn't exist. But Cassie still loved her as if Katherine didn't do those things.

She didn't know why. Maybe it was because of how long she always longed to have her mother back. No matter how many mother figures Cassie had, she would always find herself longing for Katherine to come back to her.

But when Katherine finally did, she was angry.

Cassie walked into the main part of the station. She avoided Katherine's maddened gaze as she walked past her to the exit doors.

When Katherine was done talking with the other police officers, both her and Cassie went inside the car. She heard Katherine let out an exasperated sigh as she started the engine.

A silence filled the car, but the tension between the two was undeniably in the air.

"I did not tell you to come here to start fights," Katherine said in an irritated tone. "God, how could you be so irresponsible?"

Cassie scoffed at her; her rage bubbling inside her. "You don't know what they said to me. What they said practically already started the fight."

"Yet you were the one who made the first move," Katherine replied. "You're almost eighteen. Almost an adult. You should not be this irresponsible at your age."

"Do not lecture me about irresponsibility when you're the one that decided to kill yourself just because of a lousy affair."

"Lousy affair? That man was the love of my life."

"Then, why'd you even bother staying married to my dad? To save him and the rest of us the pain? Well, that pain you thought you avoided got ten times worse the day I saw your dead body lying on your bedroom floor."

"Cassie, don't make me explain the story to you again. You should understand why I did it by now."

"Well, I still don't," Cassie replied, feeling tears swelling up in her eyes. "You could've left us a less harsher way. One that wouldn't cause us pain for the next two years."

"Harold remarried. Charlotte moved on. They were fine."

"But I wasn't," Cassie retorted, looking at her with tears of anger filling her eyes. "Even after dad got married. Even after Lottie moved on. I was never able to get over it. The image of your dead body just bleeding out with a gun in your hand stayed in my mind. So, I'm so sorry if I'm not mature enough to move past that, but it's kind of hard to when I'm constantly reminded how everyone I've ever loved left me, starting with you."

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