Episode 6 Chapter 6

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Noah drew a giant, red x on the picture of Tracy. His eyes were glued to the murder board in front of him, still trying to process what Cassie, Malia, and Stiles had told him from almost an hour ago.

"Chimeras," he muttered.

"Two dead chimeras," Stiles added.

"And eight new ones," Malia finished.

"So, that's ten in all," Stiles replied.

"I'm thinking maybe eleven," Noah said, putting up another picture.

It was a picture of Donovan.

Stiles and Cassie shared a panicked look before paying their attention back to the murder board and Noah's theory.

Cassie felt Stiles slip his hand into hers and hold onto it tightly. She could tell by how sweaty his palms were that he was nervous. She squeezed his reassuringly to try to calm him down.

"Our station tech guys confirmed something for me. They said, both holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic." He picked up the Dread Doctors book on his desk. "You said that these guys-"

"Dread Doctors," Malia interrupted.

"Are we really calling them that?"

"So, they broke Donovan out?" Malia questioned.

"It's how they got into Eichen, isn't it?"

Malia looked at Donovan's picture one last time, considering Noah's theory.

She stepped forward to the board, standing next to Noah. "Donovan's a chimera."

"Yeah," he agreed, turning back to the board. "But is he a failure like Lucas and Tracy?"

She felt Stiles turn around, getting ready to walk out as he pulled her with him. Then, he stopped when he heard Malia's words.

"If he is, he's probably dead."

Malia was about to write an x on his picture before Noah stopped her. She looked at him in confusion.

"Not until I've seen a body," he replied.

Noah turned around when he noticed something different about Stiles. He saw both him and Cassie in the corner of the room. Cassie was holding onto Stiles' shaky hands, trying to get him to calm down.

"You guys are uncharacteristically quiet," he said.

Stiles turned around to face him as Cassie started talking.

"Yeah, um... we're just trying to think about the whole situation," she said, technically not lying.

Noah narrowed his eyes at Cassie. "Are you alright, Cassie? You look a bit pale."

Stiles looked at Cassie, seeing that his dad was right. Cassie did look pale. Her skin was normally pale, but she looked sickly pale. He couldn't believe that he hadn't noticed. Something was going on with her. Something that she clearly didn't want anyone to know.

"I-I was in a rush this morning, and I forgot to put on my makeup," she replied before walking towards them, pulling Stiles along. "Everyone on the board's a teenager, right? Maybe we should figure out why these specific teenagers. They can't just be picked at random."

Stiles nodded in agreement. "If the Dread Doctors, if they went through all that... burying them, killing them, breaking one of them out of jail..."

"They couldn't have been chosen at random," Noah finished, rephrasing what Cassie had said.

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