Episode 15 Chapter 49

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Cassie was filling her car up with gas, waiting patiently as the warm breeze brushed against her skin. She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and took it out to see who was calling her. It was Lydia.

She accepted the call, putting her phone to her ear as she spoke to her.

"Cassie, get to the school. Now."

She furrowed her brows. "Why? What's going on?"

"Brett. He's gone missing. We need you to do a locater spell."

"Alright. I'm on my way."

She hung up the call and put her phone back into her pocket. But she felt her phone slip as it had never even gone into her pocket and bounced off the edge of her jeans. She sighed, kneeling down to pick it up.

She paused when she heard faint footsteps behind her. She pretended not to notice as she just picked up her phone and slipped it into her coat pocket instead. She clenched her fist tightly, getting ready to defend herself with both spells and combat in case it was an attack.

She stood up from the ground, turning around cautiously. She got slightly startled when she saw that there was indeed someone behind her.

It was a brunette middle-aged man with gray stubble on his face. She gave him a polite but awkward smile, still staying cautious, as she took out the gas pump.

"Excuse me, miss, but I just had to say that you're beautiful," he complimented.

Usually, Cassie would eat up compliments from other people. She loved compliments. But this specific one made her feel ill at ease.

"Um, thank you, sir," she replied with discomfort written all over her.

She was just about to get in her car and leave when she suddenly heard a gun cocking behind her. She turned around cautiously and saw the same man holding a gun to her with an eerily friendly smile.

"You're one of them," he simply said.

She gulped, trying to get her nerves to stop eating at her as she tried to focus on defending herself.


The gun immediately flew out of his hands and onto the ground a few meters away from him. She went to get in the car, but he was quicker than her.

He cupped his hand over her mouth in case she was thinking of making any cries for help or spells to mess with his head. But unfortunately for him, spells weren't Cassie's only self-defense.

Cassie backed them both up to a pillar and slammed herself against him. He groaned as he felt his head get throw back against the stone pillar. His hands loosened on her, giving Cassie a chance to escape.

She got out of his grasp as quickly as she could. She turned to him, giving him one final blow, and knocked him out. She went straight back to the car, but she felt something hit the back of her head, and her vision went black.

Schrader loomed over her unconscious body with a gun in his hands. He sighed apathetically.

"I always have to do the dirty work."




Cassie soon found consciousness again with blurriness in her vision. She looked around and realized she was lying on a bed with her arms and ankles strapped down and her mouth being shut with duct tape.

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