Episode 12 Chapter 47

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The four of them went off into the woods, trying to find the killer like Malia suggested. It was most likely that the killer was already gone, but they still went anyway.

"We can still catch him," Malia reminded, making Scott stop his fast-paced steps.

Cassie sighed as she rubbed her arms, trying to get some warmth. Scott turned around to face them; his chocolate brown eyes flickering between the three girls as confusion started to make its way to his expression.

"Catch who?" he questioned, his brows furrowing.

"The killer," Malia replied. "What are you thinking about?"

His gaze fell onto his hands, and he lifted up the bullet casing to show them. "Getting the bullet to Argent."

"Even if he's the one who fired it?" Malia said as the three of them walked up to him.

"Especially if he's the one."

Scott turned around, beginning to walk the trail again. But then he stopped when he just barely made a few steps. They all furrowed his brows at him, wondering why he was acting that way.

"Do you hear that?" he muttered.

Malia started to listen. "Heartbeats?"

His breathing started to get heavier. "A lot of them." He turned to them. "They're here."

"Who?" Lydia spoke, starting to feel panicked.

He looked behind the three girls when he noticed a blurry figure in the distance. He squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look at it. His face fell as he realized.

"Hunters. Run."

Scott took off first. Malia managed to be right on his tail, but Cassie and Lydia were definitely struggling to keep up.

And at that time, Cassie really regretted wearing her heeled boots.

"Scott, wait!" Malia shouted as she ran after him. "Scott!"

The four of them continued to run; the girls following where Scott was going. Lydia and Cassie had their hands holding onto each other as they tried to keep up with the two were-creatures in front of them.

Suddenly, Malia slowed to a stop. She put her arms out to stop the other two from going any further.

Cassie looked past the were-coyote's shoulder and saw Scott in the middle of red laser lights flickering all over him. Her blue eyes were kept on him as she noticed that he was panicking.

Then, his face transformed into its werewolf form, his eyes glowing red and his fanged teeth baring as he roared at what he thought were hunters.

He then suddenly just tackled someone who was moving towards him. He didn't even realize it was Sheriff Stilinski despite the man's yelling words for him to snap out of it.

"Scott! Scott, it's me! It's me! Scott! Scott!"

He then came to a stop when he felt Sheriff Stilinski's gun to his torso. He glanced down, recognizing the hard material pressing up against him and looked back up at Noah. His eyes faded back to brown as his breaths started to slow down and become steady.

He looked up at the flashlights being shined on them and his anxiety started to pick up yet again. The words 'did they see?' going through his mind.

"Okay, okay. Come on. It's okay. It's okay," Noah tried to assure as both him and Scott got up from the ground. "Everybody, stay back! It's just a kid!"

The deputies glanced at each other before one of them, a woman, spoke up. "What's wrong with his eyes?"

Parrish came into the deputy's view. "You heard the sheriff. Stand down."

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