Episode 10 Chapter 45

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Stiles slammed into the lockers inside the girls' locker room. He groaned at the ache in his back as well as the frustration he felt.

He stood up from the floor, despite the aching in his back, and started to walk out of the girls' locker room. But as soon as he opened the door, he was met with a ghost rider and its gun aiming straight at him.

He quickly grabbed the ghost rider's arm before it could shoot him and tried to fend him off. The gun shot which made his heart stop for a moment before he realized the bullet didn't hit him.

He was then pushed off and stumbled away from the ghost rider. It started to aim his gun at him again.

"Scott, I can't fight this guy!" he shouted, hoping for Scott to hear him somehow.

The ghost rider then shot at him, making him dive into the row of lockers next to him. Again, the bullet missed him just by a few inches.

He got off the floor as quickly as he could, but as soon as he did, he was met with the tip of the ghost rider's gun. A panic set in him, but he then relaxed and stopped moving.

He closed his eyes as he turned to face the creature. No one was saving him so far, and he was accepting his fate.


Cassie was sprinting to the girls' locker room as fast as she could. She mistakenly went to the boys' locker room, thinking her vision took place there, but realized her potentially fatal mistake. Now, she was sprinting her way to the girls' locker room, hoping that she wasn't too late.

Her and Lydia have separated despite Cassie's protests. Lydia insisted Cassie go save Stiles and that both of them would be fine since no ghost rider would take or even harm either of them.

Cassie was reluctant, but she knew she couldn't waste time arguing. So, she simply just nodded and started running.

It was definitely safe to say that it was an incredibly bad time for Cassie to be wearing her heeled boots.

As she was getting closer to the locker room, she heard a few gun shots go off. It made her heart stop in utter fear, but it also forced her legs to push herself faster.

She rushed into the locker room and saw the ghost rider aiming its gun at Stiles. She then just yelled out the first spell that came to mind.

"Collum confractus!"

Then, the ghost rider's head turned to her with a loud cracking sound. And instead of going after her, it fell limp to the ground: its gun clattering by its side.

She quickly walked over to the row of lockers it was aiming its gun in as the body disappeared in a puff of green smoke. She heard breathing coming from the aisle and turned to face Stiles.

A wave of relief washed through her when her blue eyes landed on his brown ones. She felt tears welling up as for a moment, she couldn't believe it was really him.

"I... I didn't say it back," she finally spoke.

Stiles shook his head. "You didn't have to."

He rushed over to her and cupped her face in his hands. Then finally, they pressed their lips against each other.

Stiles could feel the salty tears that had managed to slip out of her eyes. But he didn't care. All he cared about was her and her presence.

Cassie couldn't even describe how relieved she was to see him. Even though she did forget him, she was unknowingly missing everything about him. His touch, his voice, his lips, his personality, and just him in general.

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