Chapter 11

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The next day, Cassie ended up getting her plane ticket mailed to her by Luna. Her flight would be the day after which meant she had to say goodbye to everyone now.

She had already packed her clothes, shoes, and other belongings. She also emailed the school that she'd be on a vacation for a few months. After some civil debating, the school eventually understood and let her go since she used the 'faking her death' excuse.

If what her mother planned didn't work, she didn't want to die while holding grudges. Which meant that she would have to eventually talk to Theo. She told herself that she had to let go of what happened three years ago and to just stop being petty. Besides, she wouldn't admit, not even to herself, but she did miss the friendship her and Theo had before everything went down.

She already had the schedule for everyone's goodbyes. First would be Malia. Then Liam. Then Scott. Then Theo. And lastly, Stiles.

She knew that Stiles would be the hardest to say goodbye to. Not just because of her feelings for him, but because she didn't want him to go through what he was dealing with alone. His act of self-defense against Donovan was seriously torturing him, and she needed to be there for him. Though he said he understood what she was doing, she still couldn't herself.

Cassie knocked on Malia's door to her house where she was currently living with her dad. She waited on the doorstep with anxiety crawling all over her.


Cassie let out a small yelp, hearing Malia's sudden voice behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

Cassie started to fiddle with her fingers. "Uh, can we talk?"

"We're talking right now."

"That's not what I- can we just sit?"

Cassie grabbed Malia's hand and guided her to the bench that was on her porch. The silence between them became awkward almost immediately. Cassie was just trying to figure out what exactly to say while Malia was just waiting for her to speak.

"Okay, um..." Cassie started. She took a deep breath before grabbing both of her hands. "Malia, you are one of my best friends in the whole entire world, and I care so much about you which is why it's so hard for me to tell you this... um... I'm leaving Beacon Hills."

Malia nodded. "Okay."

She furrowed her brows. "Okay? You don't want to know why or anything?"

"No, not really. I mean, I know that you wouldn't leave without a good reason, and that's good enough for me."

Cassie nodded, processing what Malia had said to her. "You know, this went way easier than I thought it would be," she commented. "So, you're not upset or the least bit curious."


"Got it. Well, um, I have to leave tomorrow morning, but if you need anything, I'm just a phone call away."


Malia got up from the wooden bench they were sitting on. She went to open the door before Cassie stopped her.

"Uh, Mals, you know, I-I meant it," she said, standing up. "If you really do need help with anything - it doesn't even have to do anything with the Dread Doctors - just call me, and I'll try to help."

Malia stayed quiet as she just opened the door of her home and walked inside. Cassie sighed, feeling disappointed in herself.

Malia waited until she heard Cassie's footsteps receding. She then let out a deep breath, a single tear finally slipping out of her eye.

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