Episode 6 Chapter 38

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Scott rammed himself onto the door, jiggling the doorknob.

Malia glanced back at him. "Scott, open the door. You're a werewolf."

"I'm trying," he replied, still struggling to open the door.

Cassie kept her eyes trained on Mallory, and Mallory kept her eyes trained on Cassie. She felt a chill go up her spine when Mallory had her eyes go completely white with no other color in them.

Malia went over to the windows and tried to break the glass by punching them. But the glass wouldn't budge. She tried again. Not even a crack. She looked back at the two old women as she went back to the other three.

"What the hell's wrong with this place," she muttered.

"Lenore, could you unlock the door please?" Lydia asked politely.

"She's not the one doing it," Cassie spoke, sharing another small glance with Lydia.

"Now that you're here, you need to stay," Lenore said with shakiness in her voice and tears in her eyes. "Caleb likes you."

Cassie saw Mallory starting to leave and go into the kitchen. She tried to go after her, but Malia pulled her back.

"What're you doing?"

"Trying to get us out of this place," Cassie replied. She shrugged Malia's hand off before walking past Lenore and going to the kitchen.

She walked into the kitchen to see Mallory putting away dishes as if nothing was happening. She felt her nerves telling her not to do it, but she was willing to do anything to get the hell out of Canaan.

"Shouldn't you be with your friends?" Mallory spoke calmly, not even glancing in Cassie's way.

"Shouldn't you be dead?" Cassie retorted impulsively. "I saw the vision. You would've died when Lenore screamed. Why didn't you?"

Mallory looked at her. "Vision?"

"Oh, don't act so surprised. You know I'm a witch. I know you're a witch. Now answer my question. How are you alive?" She then started to realize. "You're not really alive, are you?"

Mallory clenched her jaw. She stuck out her hand and shifted her gaze to the sliding door behind Cassie.

"Motus," she spoke.

The sliding doors behind Cassie closed, but she wasn't scared. She knew Mallory wouldn't hurt her. She knew she couldn't.

She took a few steps closer to Mallory. "I won't repeat myself again. Are you alive or not?" Mallory stayed silent. "Fine then. Incendium."

A ring of fire started to surround Mallory. Cassie could see the panic rising in her eyes.

"You're a witch. Fight back. Unless a telekinesis spell is the only thing you know how to do," Cassie taunted, knowing it would set off something in Mallory.

Mallory narrowed her cold green eyes at her. "Suffocatio."

Cassie felt her throat starting to slowly close up. She started to gasp for air; her breaths becoming shorter with each gasp. She fell to her knees but kept her eyes on Mallory.

"Is that all you got?" she managed to choke out.

Soon, Cassie could barely even breathe. Her hands went up to her throat subconsciously as tears welled up in her eyes from the lack of oxygen. She still kept her eyes locked on the older witch who had tears in her own eyes. She could tell she was struggling with watching Cassie just suffocate to death.

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