Are you okay, Dewdrop? 💙x Pregnant Reader (r)

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This was a request from @AnimeLoverirl111

Leo x pregnant reader

Leo and the reader have tried to have a baby for almost a year. After a while they both just gave up trying, but then a couple of years later the reader ends up getting pregnant and is unsure if Leo even wants a baby anymore after all this time.


3rd person POV

You woke up one morning felling very nauseous. Like you have for the past couple of days. You have been throwing up and you felt terrible. Your period was supposed to happen two day ago too, but it has yet to come.

You started to worry about yourself. You spoke to April, about your situation and she told you you might want to take a pregnantancy test, just to be safe. You scoffed at the thought of it. 

You and Leo had been trying to have a baby for almost a year. It was impossible! So you both gave up. When you took the test you were absolutely shocked. There was no way, but there it was, the test with two lines in the palm of your hand, indicating that you were in fact pregnant.

You had this bittersweet feeling at the sight. You and Leo have wanted a baby for years! You were so happy you were finally going to be the mother of your very own bundle of joy!

But then again you both had wanted a baby so long ago. You haven't even mentioned starting a family since you both gave up. What if Leo didn't want a baby. Your lives have changed so much since then.

I mean he was a ninja. He saves the world on the daily. What If he didn't have time to help take care of a baby. What if- what if he hates the thought of a baby so much that- that he doesn't love you anymore. 

You couldn't tell him, but you needed to. He was the father. I mean you couldn't just keep a baby a secret from him your entire life. You decided that you need to tell him. Even if you were scared. And you were.

You went ahead and called him and told him you were coming over the lair. You left your apartment and headed over to the sewers. You were practically shaking and your heart was beating fast.

When you got to the sewer you hesitantly lifted the manhole covering and went inside. You got to the lair you were greeted by Mikey, Raph, and Donnie.

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" Raph said waving to you. Then Mikey and Donnie both turned to you with a smile. 

"Oh I'm doing good. Do you know where Leo is?" You said.

"Oh yeah, he's in his room." Mikey said happily.

"Thanks Mike." You said with a fake smile plastered on your face as you waved good bye and headed to Leo's room.

You were so nervous. You could barely bring your hand up to move the curtain in front of his room. Once you leave his room you and Leo's relationship was never going to be the same again. You managed to move the curtain and walk into Leo's room. 

"Oh hello my little dewdrop! What're you doing around these parts?" He said in a sing songy voice. You let out a chuckle and looked away. You loved it when he called you dewdrop. You just hoped it wasn't the last time he would. Your smile faded and Leo looked at you a little consurned.

He could tell you were shaking. You weren't making any eye contact and looking away from him. He could tell you were stressed. 

"Is everything okay, mi amor? Your shaking." He said consurned but in a serious tone. You looked at your hands, which were shaking uncontrollably and stuffed them into your pockets even though he already knew they were shaking.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? It's not like I'm gonna make fun of you or anything." He said taking your hand and setting you on his bed with your legs dangling off of it.

"Nothing's wrong." You said quietly, a little mumbled. He placed a hand on your chin and pulled it up so you would face him, while his other hand was holding yours. 

"Dewdrop, I can tell me.  I can see your stressed. Please tell me so I can make it better." He said sincerely. He realized he was making you a little uncomfortable, so he removed his hand from your chin and held both of your hands in his.

You were experiencing so much stress right now. You could barely breath. He was so nice and caring and patient, whenever it really mattered. You didn't want to lose him. But you had to tell him. It was only going to get worse from here, if you didn't.

"Leo, I'm pregnant." You said quietly, so that he could just barely hear you. You shyly looked at him. He didn't say anything. He looked at you shocked and then looked down at your stomach. You couldn't bare the tension any longer. It was killing you.

"Leo, pl-please s-say someth-thing." You said as you shook and stuttered. You looked away. You couldn't bare to look at him. To see his reaction. But since you were looking away you weren't able to see the huge smile that spread across him face.

"I'm going to be a father?!" He said shocked but in an extremely happy tone. You looked at him to see his huge dorky smile plastered on his face. Then he hugged you. Nuzzling into the crook of your neck.

You were a little startled by his reaction, but then hugged back. You cried tears of joy. This was probably the best day of your whole life. Just then Leo heard a sniffle come out of you and he pulled back.

"Are you ok, dewdrop?" He said in a comforting voice." You continued to sniffle and cry, barely able to talk but you somehow managed.

"It's just I didn't know if you would want a baby anymore. I-I thought that you might leave me." You said barely keeping it together.

"Darling, I will always be by your side." He said quietly crying happy tears along with you. Holding your cheeks and pressing your lips together. Once you pulled away he sighed.

He couldn't be more in love with you. Then he pressed his forehead to yours and he wiped away your tears.



1064 words 

Thank you for reading! I'm surprised at how fast I wrote this.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

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