Texts | Leo & Donnie ☔️

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Request from YourCrusty_Condom

Leo and Donnie have started to realize that you are spending more time with someone else. And that someone was a boy. They completely trust you and all, but they just want to make sure nothing funny happens.



3rd person POV

You were spending the night at the lair, to spend more time with your boyfriends. You had been really busy recently, due to school work, and hadn't had much time to hang out with them. You all had decided to have a movie night, before snuggling and going to sleep. 

Leo and Donnie were already in their pajamas on the couch. Donnie was wearing his usual pajamas, while Leo was wearing a blue unicorn onesie. Leo had gotten you a pegasus onesie, that was blue, fading into purple. You loved it so much. 

"Alright I'm going to go get changed into my PJs. I'll be right back. Go ahead and pick a movie to watch." You said, taking your overnight bag, and heading over to the bathroom. The boys nodded, and then turned on the TV to pick a movie. Almost right after they heard your phone buzz. Leo looked over at your phone to see a text message.

"Y/n! You got a text!" Leo yelled to you, but you must've not heard him. 

"Do you really think they heard you?" Donnie said to Leo, smacking the back of his head. Leo, ignoring Donnie's comment, looked at the text just to see if it was anything important, that you needed to respond quickly. 

"It's from a guy named Steve." He said. Donnie then looked over at the phone as Leo picked it up. He looked at the text on your phone.

Steve: Hey, Y/n! I was wondering if you could meet up. Maybe on like Tues...

"I can't see the rest of the text." Leo said, showing Donnie, so he could see it better. "Why do you think he's going to meet up with Y/n?" He asked Donnie. Donnie just shrugged, and took the phone from him. 

"I guess I could try to hack into their phone, and get their password." Donnie said. Leo then took your phone away from Donnie right after he said that.

"What do you mean hack into their phone? Didn't they give you the password?" Leo said, confused. 

"What no! They gave YOU the password?!" Donnie said.

"Well yeah! They gave me the password so they wouldn't have to unlock it everytime I wanted to play games on their phone!" Leo said, as Donnie gave him a glare. 

Right after that, you had walked in, with your pegasus onesie on. Leo had quickly put the phone down, and acted like nothing happened. Donnie did too, but he was way worse at it. 

"Hey guys! What movie did you choose?" You asked, as you sat down onto the couch in-between them. Leo and Donnie both looked to the screen on the TV, that was still on the home menu. Leo gave Donnie a glare, as he tried to come up with what to say. 

"We umm- we couldn't find a good movie. Maybe you should choose." He said, looking away from you.

"Okie dokie!" You said, as you picked up the remote and tried to find something to watch. Right after you picked your favorite movie, you heard your phone ring. Leo and Donnie both looked at the phone and it was that Steve guy. 

"Oh, whoops. Let me take this real quick. I'll be right back. Don't start it without me!" You said, as you ran out of the room to go answer the phone. Donnie and Leo looked at each other curiously, once you left. 

"Who do you think that guy is?" Leo said. 

"I don't know. I've never heard them talk about him before. You don't think they didn't tell us for a reason do you?" Donnie asked, hoping it wasn't something bad.

"Of course not! Y/n never hides anything from us. It's just weird though. Do you think... Do you think they'd leave us for him?" Leo said, looking away. Tears almost streaming down his face at the thought. 

"Of course not. At least I don't think... We've never met him before-"

"Hey sorry guys, but I have to leave for a little bit. It's just short notice." You said, taking your bag, and heading to the latter. The boys looked at each other sadly, as they said goodbye to you. You gave them both hugs and forehead kisses, and then left. 

"They are leaving us, aren't they?" Leo said sadly, as Donnie nodded. 


You were heading back to the lair the day after to resume your movie night. The boys said they wanted to start the movie as soon as possible. You walked in to the lair and the boys were waiting for you. Only they weren't wearing their PJs and they weren't on the couch. The TV wasn't even on. 

"Hey guys whatcha waiting for? You both can get ready. You don't have to wait for me." You said, setting the bag your were holding down by the couch. 

"Y/n, we have something we want to talk about." Donnie said, looking away from you. Leo looked away too, swinging back and forth. 

"Okay, what's up?" You say, a little bit nervous. What were they going to say? You started to freak out at the thought of it. 

"Umm, we were just wondering who Steve is. It seems your like spending a lot of time with him, and I know you're busy with school work sometimes, but are you sure that that's what your actually doing?" Leo said, a little scared. 

You were a little confused about how they found out about Steve and why they were so worried about him. I mean they never even met him. 

"Why are you so worried about him. You've never even met him?" You asked, oblivious to why they were asking about him. 

"Well we were just wondering why we've never heard bout Steve. Like maybe you didn't want us to know him." Donnie said. That when you finally understood why they were asking about him. 

"Do you guys think that I'm seeing him? Like romantically?" You said. They sadly nodded, looking away from you. 

"We-we just want the truth. Please be honest with us." Leo said, in the most heartbreaking voice you've ever heard.

"Of course I'm not leaving you! Steve is just a tutor." They looked up at you surprised. "I promise I am working on school work, it just takes me a while, so I have a tutor. The reason I had to leave on short notice yesterday, was because I have an exam soon, and he was only free for a short period of time before then. Why would you think I would leave you?" 

They looked at you sadly. Even though they didn't discuss before why they thought you'd leave them, they both knew exactly what they other was thinking. 

"You know it's just- we're turtles and we thought you'd be happier with a real like human guy. I mean compared to whoever this Steve guy is, we're probably the ugliest things on earth." Leo said, as Donnie nodded. You gave them both a big hug after that. 

"I love you both just the way you are! I don't mind that your turtles. I love you both because your you. And if it makes you feel any better, I think you both are very handsome." You said. That put a huge smirk on Leo and Donnie's faces. 

"Really~" Leo said, his voice getting noticably happier. You nodded and said 'mhm'. It made them so happy that you thought of them that way. 

They both squeezed you tightly. Then Leo got an idea and looked at Donnie. Donnie nodded knowing exactly what he was thinking. Just then they both let go of you. Donnie sat onto the couch, and brought you down with him. 

"What are you two doing?" You asked. Leo and Donnie smirked, at how oblivious you were. You felt Donnie had you down, and Leo started to tickle you. You laughed and snorted constantly. They all smiled at how adorable you looked. They were never going to let you go. 


1366 words

Thank you for reading! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! ☔

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