When Your Sick | All 🌈

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♤ He'll get you anything and everything you need

♤ Definitely gives you snuggles, and doesn't care if he gets sick 

♤ You're the most sweetest thing on earth to him, you deserve to be treated as such

♤ He'll try his best to make food for you, but fails horribly 

♤ He's giving you millions of blankets and pillows too

♤ He won't get off of you, he needs to be there to take care of you

♤ If you sneeze a lot, he will absolutely die because it's the absolute cutest thing on earth to him, even if it's the ugliest, loudest sneeze ever


◇ He'll pretend to be a butler, or something fancy like that

◇ He will call you things like Madame or Sir, and talk in a accent 

◇ You think it's really funny, and Leo loves to see you laugh, especially if your really sick

◇ He'll make chicken noodle soup, and then feed it to you

◇ (I personally think that Leo can cook because of that one episode where they help Senor Hueso, so sue me)

◇ Makes puns about you being sick

◇ Most definitely will baby you the entire time

◇ Millions of snuggles and kisses 


♧ He doesn't want to get sick, but at the age time he wants to comfort you, and take care of you

♧ He finds it absolutely adorable if you ask to he taken care of; It makes him feel like he's your hero or something 

♧  Gives you many, many pillows and blankets for "maximum comfort"

♧ Gives you a bunch of tissues, and if you throw them on the floor, or they fall off the bed, he'll use a grabber to pick them up

♧ He doesn't really want to cuddle, just because she doesn't want to get sick, and just doesn't like physical comfort, so he'll give you a childhood stuffy, to cuddle till you feel better

♧ Does a full fledged check up on you to make sure you are healing properly 

♧ You tell him your fine, but he insists that he records the data and runs tests

♧ His brothers never let him run tests on them when their sick, so he needs this


♡ He doesn't really know how to make you actually physically feel better, so he make you mentally feel better

♡ Laughter is the best medicine, and it'll help you get your mind off of your head ache, or upset tummy

♡ Definitely makes you like a five course meal, to make you feel better

♡ He's the snuggly-est out of the bunch, so be prepared

♡ If you have a guy ache, he'll definitely kiss it a lot, to make it feel better

♡ Same goes for a head ache, your getting a lot of forehead kisses

♡ After a while, he'll go to Donnie to find out how to actually make you feel better


☆ She would quit her job, just to come home and take care of you when you are sick

☆ She's definitely the type to look up how to help you feel better

☆ She'll try a bunch of random stuff, to make you feel better, but most of them don't work

☆ She has her mom make you soup, so you can feel better

☆ Definitely gives you cuddles, mayhem helps with cuddles too.

☆ She finds it absolutely adorable when you ask her sweetly if she'll give you cuddle

☆ She always says yes


559 words 

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Ye 🌈

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