Grocery Shopping ❤️ x M! Reader (r)

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Request from @mgmendez2305

The reader and Raph have been dating for a while and you both go grocery shopping. You saw that Raph had bought a box of pocky sticks and you've heard of them, but not the pokey challenge. Then you share your first kiss!



3rd person POV 

You needed to go grocery shopping one day and Raph decided to come tag along with you. You've both been dating for a while now, and you've never shared your first kiss. It has been a month now. 

You both walked into the store, holding hands. You went to go get all the different things you needed like, bread, eggs, and frozen pizzas. Once you both got all of the necessities, you spilt up to go get things you both individually. 

You both got what you needed and met at the check out. Most of the stuff was yours, so you payed for everything. Raph set his stuff on the check out table.

You noticed that there was a box of pocky sticks. You knew what pocky sticks were, you just didn't know about the pocky sticks challenge.

You thought Raph had just gotten them to eat, but you didn't know what his real intentions were. Raph hoped that you won't notice them, so when he saw you look at them, he quickly handed them to the check out person, to scan.

He didn't know that you didn't know about the pocky stick game, so he wanted to make sure one hundred percent that you wouldn't find out about it.

You both left the grocery store and took the turtle tank back to the lair. Raph was a little curious if you found out about the pocky sticks, but you didn't ask about it at all, and he didn't want to ask about it if you didn't even know he got them.

You both took the grocery bags in to the lair. You had taken only two bags because Raph had taken the rest. He left you a couple because he knew you liked to be independent too. He could've taken all of them. He could've taken 20 more, but he liked to see you feel strong.

You were fairly strong for a guy, but you were nothing compared to Raph. You liked to show him you were strong though. It was a little difficult to walk down the ladder with grocery bags in you hands, so Raph picked you up and started to climb down the ladder.

"Hey Raph! You know I can climb down the ladder myself!" You said, as Raph was climbing down the ladder, with you sitting on his shoulder. 

"I know, but I don't want you falling." He said, as he kissed your forehead. You grumbled the rest of the way down and he set you on the ground. You both walked over to the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter. 

"What all did you get Raph?" You asked, as you took out all of the groceries in the bags and put them in the fridge and cupboards. Raph started to get a little nervous. He didn't want to tell you he got the pocky sticks until it was a good time to do the challenge.

"Oh umm, I got some cookies and more microwave pizzas." He said hoping you wouldn't ask about the topic anymore. He quickly started to put all the groceries where they belong, so you wouldn't see what he got, but you had already put all of your groceries away. 

Raph looked at you, as you picked up the pocky sticks to go put them away were they belong. He was scared that you'd not like it, or think it wasn't that good idea for a first kiss. He saw you open your mouth to say something, in terror as to what you were about to say.

"Where do you want me to put these, Big man?" You said. Raph was confused. Did you not know about the pocky sticks challenge? 

"Oh ummm. Over there is good." He said pointing to the cupboard. You nodded and placed them up in the cupboard. Then you moved on to the other groceries.

'Omigosh! He doesn't know about the pocky stick challenge!' Raph thought to himself. This was going to be even better than he thought! 

Once you both were done you decided to go play video games in the living room. You headed over by yourself because Raph told you he would meet you there, he just needed to get something really quick. You nodded and headed over.

Raph quickly got the pocky sticks and headed over to the living room, where you would be waiting. When he got there, you were sitting in a bean bag, with the game already set up. 

"Come On, Raph!" You said as you patted the spot next to you. He sat down in that spot a little nervous. He placed the pocky sticks behind him, so you wouldn't see them and started to grab his controller.

You both played for a while before there was some more dialogue. You both had played the game dozens of times before, so you knew what the dialogue was about. He also knew it was very long, so this would be the perfect time to do the thing! Raph looked over to you and you looked fairly bored, so this was going to be perfect!

"Hey, Y/n! I was wondering, do you know what pocky sticks are?" Raph said, showing you the box.

"Oh yeah, but I've never tried one before." You said, completely oblivious.

"Do you know what the pocky sticks challenge is?" Raph said, nervously. You seemed a little confused, you've never heard of the pocky sticks challenge before.

"No I haven't. What's the challenge?" You asked curiously.

"Oh umm, well, it's where two people take each end of the stick, and you eat it until you both umm kiss." He said blushing badly. "Would you wanna do it with me?" He said. 

"Sure! It sounds fun!" You said, taking the box from him and opening it. Raph didn't expect you to answer like that, but he wasn't complaining. You opened the package and placed one end into your mouth.

"Like this?" You said with the pocky sticks in your mouth. Raph nodded and took the other side of the stick. Then you both started nibbing. You both were blushing so bad. You thought you couldn't blush anymore until your lips met.

You both leaned into the kiss and it was amazing. You both parted. You both were dazed until you heard a voice.

"Player one died! Game over!" You both looked over to the screen to see that the dialogue was over and you lost your place. 

"Aww man." You said and then you both started to laugh at your reaction. This was definitely a kiss you wouldn't forget.


1131 words 

Thank you for reading.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! ❤️

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