How Amusing (💙💜) (r)

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Request from @Magically_Madi

You do on a date with your boyfriends to an amusement park. Then "surprisingly" you get stuck at the top of a ferris wheel.



3rd person POV

Your two boyfriends had planned a surprise date for you. They said it would take up the whole day, so it must be good. You were really excited. You hopped into the turtle tank with your boyfriends and headed off.

"Can you tell me what the surprise is? I promise I won't tell anyone." You said trying to get Leo to tell you. 

"Oh well in that case-" 

"Leo they're just trying to get you to tell them." Donnie said to his oblivious brother. 

"Hey!" Leo said as you giggled. Once you had pulled up, you all got out. You looked around and noticed you were under a peer. 

"Are we going to the beach? I didn't bring a swim suit or anything." You said a little confused, as you looked at the water.

"We aren't going to the beach. We just had to hide the turtle tank. Come on this way." Donnie said motioning for you to come follow him. You walked over to him and held his hand and then you reached for Leo's. 

You all walked up to the top of the peer and you saw an amusement park! Leo and Donnie could tell you were excited. You were jumping around and couldn't stay still. You had told them that you hadn't been to a theme park a while ago, so you were extra excited.

"You excited, Honeybee?" Leo said, kissing your forehead. You nodded quickly, squealing a little bit. They both chuckled at your reaction and headed over to the entrance. You all got to the tick t booth and made your way in.

"All right, Darling. What do you wanna do first?" Donnie asked you. You looked around at what to do. Then you saw the tea cup ride. You've heard of it before and thought it would be cool. You pointed to the tea cups.

"I'd like to ride the tea cups." You said excitedly. You looked over to Leo and he looked over joyed, but when you looked over to Donnie, he looked overwhelmed. He gulped at the thought of it. 

"You okay, Baby?" You asked Donnie. He looked over to you, surprised you could tell that he was upset.

"Yeah, yeah." He said, waving his hand around. "I just get a little motion sickness. That's all. Nothing I can't handle though. I'll be fine." He said, putting his hand on his neck.

"Alright. Well, let's go." You said taking both of their hands and heading for the tea cups. You all waited in line for the tea cups. Donnie was starting to feel nauseous, just looking at it. 

Once you all made your way through the line, you picked the purple and blue tea cup. You all got in and the ride started to move. Leo spun the tea cup around really fast and you helped him. While the tea cup was spinning, Donnie was hanging on to you for dear life.

Once you all got off, Leo decided to go on a roller coaster. You didn't really think you could handle it, so you decided to let Leo go, while you went and did something else. Donnie was still hanging onto you, so you figured he didn't want to go. 

"Alright, Dewdrop. I'll go ahead and go. Why don't you and Don Tron, go get something to eat?" Leo said, kissing your forehead and heading off to the long line for the roller coaster.

"Okay, bye!" You said, waving off to him and blowing him a kiss. "Okay, D. What snacks do you want to get?" You said to Donnie. 

"How about some funnel cake? Does that sound good to you, Darling?" He asked.

"Mhm. Let's go!" You said taking his hand and heading for the concessions. You both waited in line and talked for a while. Once you got your funnel cake you went to the roller coaster exit to find Leo .Once you got there, you saw Leo there, over by a trash can. 

"Woah, babe, are you okay?" You asked him. He clearly threw up, after riding the coaster.

"Yeah, I'm fine, honey bee!" He said winking and smiling. You could tell he felt terrible though. You all decided, you would all stop riding the intense rides. 

You all played some of the carnival games after that. Donnie kept trying to win you a stuffed bear, but he couldn't. Then Leo tried to and won, first try. He handed you a blue stuffed bear with a smirk on his face, looking over at Donnie. Donnie felt a little defeated, but then Leo got an idea.

"Hey honey, would you mind throwing this away for me, please?" Leo said handing you a napkin. 

"Sure thing. Be right back." You said, as you took it and headed for the trash can. Then Leo quickly won another game and got a purple teddy bear and handed it to Donnie. The second you came back, Donnie handed it to you and told you he had won it, while you were gone. You knew he didn't do it, but it was cute.

A couple of hours went by and it was already night. You all decided to take it easy and end the night off with the ferris wheel. You have a huge fear of heights, but You've never been on a ferris wheel, so you didn't know what to expect.

Once you all finally got to the end of the line, you got on a cart and headed off. It was really fun! You loved the view. Until you realized just how high you were up. You were all finally at the top, and then the ride stopped. You started to completely freak out.

"Wait d-did we j-just stop! Why have we s-stopped! What going on!" You started to visibly panic. Leo and Donnie both knew that the ride had to stop, to let more people on the ride, but it was kinda funny watching you panic.

"Wait hold up. Are you afraid of heights?!" Leo said, chuckling a little bit. Once you realized that they were both carefree, you went from scared to embarrassed.

"Leo! Don't make fun of them!" Donnie yelled at Leo, who was trying to contain his laughter. "Darling, are you afraid of heights?" Donnie said, softly, trying to calm you down. You nodded, looking away from the two of them.

"It's okay, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, alright. We just stopped to let other people on, okay?" Donnie said. Then the realization hit you. 

"Ohhh. I guess that makes sense." You said, feeling kinda stupid about the whole situation. 

"And even if we were stuck, we'd make sure nothing happened to you. I'd even carry you down for you!" Leo said flexing. You giggled a little bit. Then they both kissed your cheeks at the same time, making you blush like crazy. You loved it when they did that.

The ride began to move again and you all got off. This definitely wouldn't be the last time you went to the amusement park.


1185 words

Thank you for reading.

Sorry for the inactivity. I've been on vacation.

Thanks for the request

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! 💙💜

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