Eras (All x Reader) (r) ❤️🧡💙💜

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Request from  @Magically_Madi

The turtles and Y/n all get a hotel room, and go to a Taylor Swift concert.

(Sorry the summary is short)



3rd person POV

You have been waiting for Taylor Swift to come near New York for a while now, and she finally was going to show her eras tour in New Jersey! 

You found out on short notice, so you didn't have enough money to go though. You were really upset about it. 

You were talking about it to your boyfriends and they were equally sad too. Raph and Mikey are major swiftes. Leo mainly joked about it, and acted like he didn't like Taylor Swift, but he was a terrible liar. 

And Donnie he say he didn't like Taylor Swift and everyone believed him, I mean it's Donnie, but one day you found him dancing and singing to Taylor Swift in his room. You videoed it of course, but Donnie found out. 

He let you keep the video if you didn't tell his brothers, and you wouldn't give up that video for anything. So the boys don't know he likes Taylor Swift. 

As you were explaining how upset you were that you couldn't go to the concert with the boys, Donnie pulled out a stack of cash and aced it into the palm of your hand.

"There that should cover the cost of 5 tickets, plus and merch or snacks of any kind we all wanna get." Donnie said as he returned to his repeated scrolling on his phone. You looked at him really confused.

"Donnie were did you get all of this money?" You asked, as you counted the stack in your hands.

"Do you want to go to the concert or not." He said not looking up from his screen, until you scared him, with a big hug.

"Omigosh! Thank you thank you thank you! I love you so much!" You said hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He patted your head with his real hand and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

"I know I'm amazing. Clearly I'm the favorite." He simply stated, glaring at his brothers. Then they returned a glare back to him. 

You all looked online to find a hotel with Donnie and Mikey, and Donnie paid for it, obliviously. You all made sure you had a big enough bed, so you all could cuddle together, after the concert. 

You all were so excited to go to the concert. You all backed overnight bags and took the turtle tank to the hotel you all were staying at. When you got there Leo immediately realized where you all were.

"Wait a minute, are we in New Jersey?!" Leo said. You kissed his temple, and giggled a little bit at his reaction.

"Relax, babe. It's only for a night." You said, as you grabbed you bag and his, then handed the bag to him. You got everyone else's bags and handed it to them. Mikey's was very light. It only consisted of his cloths weapon and sketch book. You picked up Raph's and immediately fell onto the floor. 

"Geez Raph. What to you got in here, weights?!" You aid trying to lift it off of the floor.

"Well actually yes." He said, putting a hand on the back of his neck. Then he easily picked up the bag off of the floor. You went to get Donnie's bag out of the tank and was froze, when you saw what all he packed. Donnie definitely had over 10 bags in the tank.

"Donnie do you really need all of this?" You said looking at him. He nodded as he picked up backs with his robotic arms. 

"Well yes I have my tool box with all my tools in it of course, a mini desk to work on, my battle shells, Sheldon, everything Sheldon needs for the night, clothes, more tech, my phone, my tablet, more tech I made, my lap top, my headset, my computer..." He said.

You zoned out after a while and just ook the remaining bags that Donnie couldn't carry even with robotic arms.

You all walked up to the hotel room and unlocked the door. When you got in Leo, Mikey, and Raph all went and jumped on the bed. You set down the bags and took Donnie's bags from him and set them on the floor. 

"Even more tech, my drill, more clothes because I like to have the option, and lastly even more tech." He said, proudly. You signed once he was finally done ranting. 

"My genius." You said kissing his big forehead. And heading over to the bed to relax. Donnie was blushing badly. He loves it when you came him a genius, and praise him.

"Oh hey, we should leave, so we can get good spots." You said getting up. You all rushed over to the turtle tank and headed over.


Once you were all there you quickly found spots, and saved them. You each took turns saving the spots and going over to get snacks and buy things from the gift shop. Once it was about to start, you all were covered in merch. 

The show was about to start and Taylor Swift came up on the stage. You all started to screen and jump around, but the person who was screaming and jumping excitedly the most was none other than Donnie.

You giggled at all of these reactions. You all sang along to the words of the song. By the way there was never a time when you all forgot the words to the songs. 

Also there were many tears and I mean many, and not from you either. All of your boyfriends were in complete tears by the end of the concert. Good thing Donnie brought tissues. You were pretty sure there wasn't a single thing this man didn't bring.

You all left and couldn't stop talking about it the entire way back. You were happy that everyone enjoyed themselves and that you had someone to bring to the concert. 

You all got out of the tank and headed over to hotel room. You unlocked the door and headed in side. The second you did you set your bag down and fell onto the bed. The boys hung up their hoodies and joined you right after. 

You all decided to get ready for bed after a while and then go back to cuddling together. You got into some pajamas and played on Raph's stomach. Leo and Donnie hugged your sides and Mikey wrapped his arms around your waist, and played his head on your tummy. You all drifted to sleep, having sweet dreams.

P.S. You all lost your voices after the concert. Everyone except Leo. I guess his voice is used to constantly talking and yelling. And you KNOW Leo used that against you. 

"Hey, darling. You wanna cuddle. If you don't want to all you have to do is say so~"


1146 words

Thank you for the request

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Have a great day! Ye! ❤️🧡💙💜

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