Cramps | Leo 😖

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It was that time of the month again, and your cramps were worse than ever. You accidentally forgot about your date with Leo, and he stopped by to see if you were okay. 

(Reader is Female, but don't hate on me if I accidentally use they/them pronouns) 



3rd person POV

You and Leo had planned to go to a pizza place today, for your date. You both don't really get time to go on dates because your both so busy, so you both were very excited. Sadly though,  mother nature called, and you were a little occupied a that time. 

Your period ended up start three days early, and you had the worst cramps, you've ever had. As you were curled up in a ball on the floor, you completely forgot about your date with Leo. 

You heard you phone ring, on the bedside table. You tried to reach for it, but the shooting pain, didn't let you. Tears streamed down your cheeks, as the phone continued to ring. Little did you know, the person who called you, was your boyfriend Leo. 

Leo started to become worried. You'd never miss out on date night. He decided to stop by your apartment, and see what was wrong. He portaled to the fire escape beside your apartment building, and tapped the window with the end of his sword. 

There was a curtain in front of the window,  so he couldn't see you. He knocked a little louder, after you didn't answer. He waited a little bit longer, and there was still no answer. He opened the window himself, and moved the curtain, to see you crying on the floor, curled up into a ball. 

"Ohmigosh! Mi amor, are you okay? What's wrong?" He said, immediately rushing to your aid. He placed a hand on your cheek and wiped the tears off your face. 

"L-Leo, it hurts so b-bad." You said, stuttering and sniffling. He didn't know that you were on your period, so he start to check for wounds or any place that could be hurting. 

"What hurts, love? Why does it hurt." He asked, in a worried tone. You pointed down at your "area" and tried to explain what was happening. "Oh your on your period, aren't you?" Leo said, quietly. You nodded, tears still running down the sides of your face. 

"Is it okay, if I pick you up, sweetheart?" He said, barely above a whisper to make sure you were comfortable. 

"J-just be g-gentle okay?" You said, and he nodded. He carefully pick you up, and placed you under the covers of the bed. He kissed your forehead, and tucked you in a little bit. "I'm going to go get you a heating pad and some snacks. Any suggestions?" He said. 

"Chocolate. Lots of chocolate." You said. He chuckled a little bit, and headed out of the room to get you your snacks. You held your self tightly around your waist, as you waited for Leo to come back. 

After a few minutes, he entered the room, and you were so happy, it was like you'd hadn't seen him in years. He gave you the heating pad, and started to open up all the snacks he got for you. 

"Is there anything else I can get you, sweet cheeks?" He said, kneeling down a little, with his hands on his knees. 

"Can I have cuddles, please?" You said tiredly, as you reached your arms out for him to come cuddle with you. 

"Of course, love! You want me to spoon you?" He said, and you nodded. Leo lifted the covers and climbed over you, to the other side of the bed. Then he carefully wrapped him arms around your waist. "Is this okay? I don't want to hurt you, or make you uncomfortable." He said. 

"No, I'm okay." You said, nuzzling into the pillow, and the blankets. "Thank you, Leo. I love you so much." You said.

"I love you too, baby." He said, nuzzling his snout into your neck. You both drifted to sleep, and you completely forgot about the pain. 


You both woke up after a while, and decided to watch a movie. You both ate a bunch of snacks while you watched the movie. About half way into the movie though, you both ran out of snacks, and you needed food. 

"Leo." You said, trying to get his attention. He paused the movie, and faces you.

"What's up, sweet cheeks?" He said, happily. 

"Could you please go get more snacks, please?" You asked, sweetly. He looked over to the table filled with wrappers and crumbs. 

"Geez, did we already go through all of those snacks?!" He said, surprised. "Okay, sure. I'll be right back. Don't start the movie again, until I'm back." He said, cleaning up all the wrappers and crumbs. Then he headed to the kitchen to throw it all away, and get new snacks. 

He got all of the snacks from the kitchen, and headed over to your room. He set all of the snacks down on the table, and faced you. He saw you making a really uncomfortable face, and you were really stiff. 

"Is everything alright?" He said, a little confused, looking to make sure you were okay. 

"Can you carry me to the bathroom, please?" You said, looking up at him. 

"Sure thing. Is everything, okay? Did something happen while I was gone?" He asked, still confused what happened when he left to go get the snacks. 

"I sneezed." 


916 words

Sorry this one was so short

Thank you for reading

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! 

Ye! 😖

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