The Tennis Court | Leo 🎾

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Leo has always beaten you in every sport known to man, and boy did he brag. But you've recently picked up tennis, and you thought it would be fun to play with him. (Spoiler alert, you dominate)



Whether it was basketball, football, table tennis, or Jenga, Leo always beat you at every sport known to man. Even if it was something he's never even heard of, he totals you. Not only does he always win at sport, but he's also a bad winner. 

You always teased you for not being strong enough, or not being able to throw far, and it gets annoying. Not only that, but on the rare occasion that he does mess up, and you win, he's a huge poor loser. It's even worse than when he wins. 

Recently though, you showed some interest in a certain sport, and that sport was tennis. You hear a lot of your friends who play tennis, say that it's underestimated, and people think it's way easier than it actually is, so you went to one of their games to see for yourself. 

You absolutely felling love with the sport. Your friends had taught you how to play correctly, and eventually with practice, you became just as good as them. 

Of course you would always rant about how much fun you and at your most recent game, to Leo. And he thought it was cute you found a sport you liked, and claimed you were good at. 

He'd never seen you play the game before, but he seriously doubted that you, of all people, would be good tennis. Of course he was never going to tell you that.

Until he accidentally did. 

Leo accidentally said, that he would likely crush you in tennis because he's well better than you in everything, except for being a good human being. So, you challenged him. 

You needed to practice your skills before your next match this weekend, so you thought this would be fun. And it would be especially fun, when he dialed miserably. 


You had gotten on your tennis outfit, and came out onto the court, waiting for Leo. Leo had come out on a full on tennis outfit, and you couldn't help but laugh. 

"Why do I have to wear this? It's not like tis the real deal or anything. And plus I wouldn't want you to fail oh so miserably in front of so many people." He said, picking up a racket, and getting ready to start. 

"It's fun! And I look absolutely amazing in this outfit." You said, happily. You were about to start, but you'd stopped when you noticed the way Leo was holding the racket. 

"Leo, your holding it wrong. And your posture is horrible." You said, walking over to him, so you fix it. "Hold the racket like this, and stand so it's easy to move around quickly." You said, and he adjusted. 

"Are you trying to intimidate me with your advanced intellect on tennis posture. Because it's not working." He said, jokingly. You laughed a little bit at the way he said it. 

"No, I just want to give you the best possible advantage, that way you don't suck as bad." You said, holding the ball, and getting ready to serve. 

You served the ball over to him lightly, so it was as easy for him to hit back to you as possible. You watched him, so you'd be ready to hit it once he hit it back to you, but he never did. 

Instead, he tried to swing his racket at the ball, missed, spun around, and ended up falling flat on his face. You tried to contain your laughter, but when the ball bounced off the wall behind him, and hit him in the back of his head, you started bursting out in laughter. 

"Hey, it's not that funny! It was just a lucky shot!" He argued, standing back up, and picking up the ball. 

"If you say so, Leon. Go ahead and serve this time." You offered. He nodded, and got ready to serve the ball. He followed all the steps from when he saw you serve the ball before, and he actually hit it. 

3 feet away from him. 

You started completely cackling. This was one of the funniest things you've ever witnessed, not to mention you were actually winning something. 

"You can move up if you want." You said, and he angrily stomped forward a little bit, so it would be easier for him to serve across the net. 

He served it once again, and it went way farther. So far, it went out of bounds. He noticed you didn't even try to hit the ball, so he thought that he had won that round. 

"Oh yeah! See how good I am now with a little practice!" He said, and he started chanting his name and victory dancing. 

"Leo, Leo! You didn't get that one, it was out of bounds." You said. He looked over to where he hit it, and it was kind of nowhere near you. 

"Well can you at least pretend I made that one? Pretty please, honey bunny boo!" He said, with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, why not." 


You tried to get Leo to actually improve, but he got worse the more and more he played, so the two of you just quit, considering Leo never hit a single ball back to you. 

Now the two of you were resting on one of the benches to the side of the court. Leo was barely able to breath, as for you, you were just sipping some water while he caught his breath. 

"Water, water. I need water." He said, reaching for your water, and you handed it to him. "How are you not even tired?" He said, chugging the water. 

"You never hit it to me once!" You said, laughing a little bit. "So..... Did I win?" You said, curiously. 

"Yes, I guess you win." He said, looking away from you. You got up and started jumping around out of excitement, you've never one before, so you don't have a victory dance. 

"Although,I wouldn't say I lost." He said, smirking. 

"How so?" You said, stoping your jumping, and looking at him confused. 

"Well, now I have a video of you jumping around, looking all cute in your tennis outfit." He said, rewatching the video. You ran over to him. 

"Leo, Leo. Delete it!"


1073 words

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Ye 🎾

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