💜 Your First Fight 💜

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Donnie and you have your first fight, when you accidentally scratched the turtle tank.



3rd person POV

You were a little bored at the moment and you remember that splinter told Donnie to clean out the garage because it was always a mess. Donnie was ranting earlier today to you about how he was really busy and wasn't able to pause what he was doing, other wise his project would completely collapse. 

You decided you would go ahead and clean the garage for him, since it needed to be done anyway, and you wanted to help your boyfriend out too. 

You headed over to the garage and opened the door.  You looked around to see the boys sparing stuff, pizza boxes, and many other things that made the whole garage all cluttered. 

You started with all the pizza boxes and folded them, to put them in the recycling. Then you started moving the boys stuff into the closet and picking up additional things. 

You still had a pile of pizza boxes in the garage. You just planned to take them once everything else was out of the way. You got tub that could fit all of the pizza boxes, and started to place them inside it. That way it would be easier for you to move them and recycle them. 

You picked up the heavy tub and walked over to one of the entrances. Donnie had his turtle tank fairly close to the wall of the garage, which was also near the easiest exit to the surface. You decided just to squeeze through the space between the wall and the turtle tank instead of walking with the heavy tub, throughout the entire lair and taking it up a ladder. 

You squeezed thought the small space, tilting the tub so it wouldn't hit the tank. You ended up hitting the wall and bouncing back

and hitting the turtles tank. 

You scratched Donnie's prize possession! It was extremely small for a scratch, but you couldn't stand the guilt. You had to tell him though. You quickly squeezed past and headed to recycle the boxes. You were scared, but you had to tell him. Once you were done, you saw Donnie in the door way of the garage, and immediately panicked.

"Hey Y/n. What are you doing in here. I just came to clean the garage and it doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as he said." You looked at Donnie a little scared. 

"Oh ummm, I knew you had to clean the garage and that you were busy, so I decided to clean it for you." You said, nervously.

"Oh ok. Thank you, Darling!" He said walking over and kissing your forehead. 

"Before you congratulate me and stuff, ummm, I accidentally scratched the turtle tank. I'm sorry." You said, moving out of the way, revealing the tiny scratch on the turtle tank. He gasped when he saw it. 

"How could you be so careless around the one thing I love the most! You know how much I love the turtle tank!" He yelled at you. You just looked away. You felt like crying.

"I was only trying to help. I'm sorry." You said quietly.

"Well you didn't. Just leave, while I figure out how to fix this." He said pointing to the door. You turned around and left him alone in the garage. 

Tears rolled down your face, thinking about angry he was. You really were just trying to help. You didn't mean to. 

Then you heard someone gasp. In fact two someones. You looked around to see Mikey and Leo right there. 

"Omigosh! Y/n, why are you crying!" Mikey said, as they both ran over to you. You sniffled, wiping your tears, as they came to your side. 

"Donnie and I had our first fight." You said, as your voice cracked. They looked so sad, once you said that. You and Donnie always got along fine, and even if you disagreed, you always got along. You always compromised. 

"What was the fight about?" Leo said, putting his hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down.

"I accidentally scratched the turtle tank!" You said. "How could I have been so careless about it." You said, with your face in your hands. Leo and Mikey both looked at each other, nervously.

"Where exactly was the scratch?" Mikey said, a little scared about what you might say.

"Yeah, was it near the back left wheel?" Leo said, equally nervous.

"Umm yeah, how did you know?" You said, lifting your hands from your face. 

"Well, that scratch was already there." Leo said, looking away and putting his hand on the back of his neck.

"Leo and I were having a sparing session and accidentally scratched the turtle tank." He said, feeling guilty. 

"We're sorry." They both said.


After that they boys both told Donnie that you hadn't scratched it, and that you weren't the one to blame. They told him that they had done it, and got a huge lecture. You were happy that the wouldn't be mad at you anymore, but you also felt sorry for Leo and Mikey for getting a lecture from Donnie. 

They left after the lecture, and left you and Donnie alone in the garage. You looked at him, feeling a little guilty still. Even if you didn't scratch the turtle tank, you could've. You were being careless about it. 

"I'm sorry." You said, looking away from him. He walked over to you.

"What are you sorry for, sweet heart? If anything it's me who's to blame." He said.

"Even if I didn't hit the turtle tank I still could've hit it. I should've been more careful anyway. I'm sorry." You said. Then you felt him hug you. He rested his chin on your head and rubbed you back.

"Darling, you did nothing wrong. Stop apologizing. I'm sorry for yelling at you. Even if you did make the scratch, it is really small. Also when I said that it was the most precious thing to me, that was a lie. You are the absolute most precious thing to me in the entire world." He said, kissing your forehead.

"I love you." He said, lifting your head up to face him. Then he kissed you on the lips. 

"Can you forgive me?" He asked.

"Of course!" You said, stealing another kiss from him. 

"I love you too."


Thanks for reading! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Happy Dia de los muertos. 

If you celebrate any other holiday during this time, happy holidays!

Have a great day! Ye! 💜

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