Your First Fight | Mikey 🍊

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This story takes place on Christmas. I'm sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas. The story isn't really about Christmas, but it does take place during this time. 

Mikey usually gets stressed over the holidays because he's so focused on making the perfect Christmas dinner, so you try to help. 



3rd person POV

This year you had decided to spend Christmas with the turtles and your boyfriend. You started dating Mikey just after Christmas last year, so you've never spent Christmas with him before. You were really excited about spending it with him.

You all opened presents together, and drank egg nog and hot cocoa. You and Mikey snuggled a little bit by the fire. Everything was perfect. You even go him the perfect gift. You got him a Lou Mike Tony's gift card! He made you a portrait of yourself, and you looked amazing! 

Once you all were done with presents, Mikey went straight to the kitchen. You were curious what he was doing, so you followed him. Once you walked in Mikey already had his chef hat and apron on. There were also a bunch of ingredients, and bowls on the table. 

"Hey, N/n! Did you need something?" Mikey said fairly fast, as he started to organize all the pots and pans on the counter. 

"I was just wondering what you are doing." You said, as you watched him quickly fumble around the kitchen, and pre-heat the oven. 

"I'm just getting ready to make Christmas dinner. I had to be perfect." He said, not taking his eyes off of what he was doing. You looked at him confused. 

"Why are you starting so early? It's like 10:00 in the morning! Aren't you going to like enjoy Christmas?! We don't have dinner until like 6:00." You said, worried that he was going to spend the entire time in the kitchen. 

"Don't worry love bug! It's not going to take that long, plus it's really important that it's perfect! I'll make sure that we still have us time!" He said. Then you sadly said 'okay' and left the kitchen.

You went back to the boys and started to play with the new things you gave each other. You still wished that you were with Mikey, but you new it was important to him.  


It was around 3:00 and Mikey still wasn't here with you. You started to worry that maybe he was trying to hard for everything to be absolutely perfect. He should be spending Christmas with everyone else, and having fun, not stuck in the kitchen like it's any other day. 

You walked into the kitchen to check up on Mikey. Once you walked in, you saw that he had dozens of dishes on the counter. He was working on a few more, and he even had some still in the oven. 

"Wow, Mike! You did a lot since the last time I came in here!" You said, surprised. You just nodded, not looking up from what he was doing. "How many more dishes are you going to make? This does seem like a lot." You said, hoping he would be done soon. 

"I only have to start the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, cheese plater, and the green bean casserole, but before that I have to finish all the stuff I'm doing now and get everything out of the oven, and THEN finish those." Mikey said, really fast, rushing to put one of the dishes into another oven. Then you got an idea. Why don't you just help Mikey! That way you could spend more of Christmas together! 

"Do you need any help with anything. It'll make everything go faster if I help out." You said, really hoping that he would say yes. 

"Umm sure. Why don't you grab that potato masher and start on the potatoes." He said, pointing to the potato mashed on the table. You took it and found all of the potatoes. You've never made mashed potatoes before, but you wanted to spend as much time with Mikey as possible. 

You took a paper plate and set the potatoes on it. Then you started hitting them with the potato masher. You obviously didn't know what you were doing, and it was obvious to more than just you.

"What are you doing?" You heard Mikey say. You turned to see Mikey horrified at what you did to the potatoes. "How did you even manage to do that!" He said, stopping what he was doing immediately, and rushed over to you, slightly pushing you out of the way. 

"You made a hug mess, and ruined the potatoes! I don't even have any more! What were you even thinking?!" He said, as he started to clean the mess as fast as possible. 

You backed away from him, giving him some space. You were trying your best to not cry. As he was cleaning the mess you made, the oven started to go off, and he rushed over to get it out. He rushed around trying to do everything at once, but then he suddenly stopped once he heard a sniffle com from you. He looked over to you, in the the corner quietly crying. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to spend more time with you. I'm sorry." You said in the saddest voice he ever heard. Mikey immediately realized what all he did. 

"Don't be sorry, Y/n. I understand you just wanted to help, I'm just so stressed about Christmas dinner I'm sorry." He said, as he sat next to you on the floor. He gave you a little side hug, and kissed you temple, as you sniffled.

"I should've just left you alone though. I understand how important this is to you." You said, looking up at him. 

"It's alright, N/n. Maybe I was going a little overboard. And plus it is Christmas and there's no one I would rather spend it with than you, Love bug." You both kissed each other and smiled. "How about we finish the mashed potatoes, or at least try to finish it, and then we'll just leave the rest of the stuff alone. No more food okay?" He said. 

"Okie dokie." You said wiping the tears from your face. Then you both pinkie promised, even though I don't think Mikey technically has a pinky. 


You both had finished all the food and spent as much time together as possible. Then you all Christmas dinner together. 

"Man this is amazing! You both did a great job!" Raph said, taking a bite out of a turkey leg. 

"I can concur, this is most definitely amazing." Donnie said, agreeing with Raph. Leo nodded, and takes a bite out of the mashed potatoes. 

"God! These are terrible!" Leo yelled and immediately spit it out. He looks at the two of you and Raph gives him a glare. "I mean these are definitely different than the ones you usually make, Miguel." He said, putting his hand onto the back of his neck. 

You all laughed and spent hours eating the delicious food, that Mikey made. And the terrible mashed potatoes. 


Happy holidays! 🌰🌲🎁

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Have a great day! Ye! 🍊

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