Driver's License | Donnie 🐿️

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You had just gotten your driver's license, and you couldn't be happier. Usually you and Donnie ride on the turtles tank whenever you want to do our for a date, but this time you decided you would drive. Everything went great, until you accidentally hit a squirrel. 

WARNINGS: Death of a squirrel. 



You had just recently gotten your driver's license, and you felt completely free! Of course you haven't actually driven anywhere yet, but you were about to. You and Donnie decided that once you got your driver's license, you could drive the two of you to dates. 

In past months, Donnie thought he could teach you how to drive, with out touch his precious turtle tank. It's not that he doesn't trust you, it's that he doesn't trust your driving skills. 

After you failed, multiple times to understand how to drive without actually driving, you decided it would probably be best just to take driving lessons. That way you could actually get a drivers license too. 

So that's what you did. The second you got to the lair after getting your license, you showed it to Donnie, jumping up and down. 

Then the two of you planned a date night, that you could drive the two of you to. As long as you used your car. You and Donnie decided to go to the movies. He still wanted to surprise you, so you didn't know what movie it was. 

"Alright, Dove. You ready?" Donnie said, getting into the car, along with you.

"Yep! I'm a little nervous, though." You said, nervously laughing a little bit. 

"Don't worry I'll walk you through anything you need." He said, taking your hand and holding it. You tried to remember the different things you needed to do. Donnie watched you struggle a little bit with remembering, and decided to jump in. 

"Lovely, you have to start the car first." He said, laughing a little bit. 

"Oh, yeah, right. I knew that. It just took me a second to remember, that's all!" You said, starting the car up. Then you checked the mirrors to see if anyone was there. Which obviously there wasn't. You got ready to start driving off, but Donnie stopped you. 

"Love, you have to put your seat belt on, remember." He said, laughing a little bit, at how forgetful you are. 

"Oh right, right. Thanks." You said, hitting your self in the forehead, and buckling your seat belt. After you did, you started to drive off. 

Rather slowly. 

"Love, you have to drive faster than this." He said, thinking it was a little ridiculous that you were overreacting a little bit. 

"I know, I know. I'm just nervous." You said, speeding up a little bit. 


You and Donnie were about half way to the movies, and you felt like you were doing a really good job. You haven't had anything trouble, at least after you left. And you were on a street with no other cars, to keep you distracted. 

"Your doing really well, love. I have to admit, I'm a little surprised." He said, holding your hand. You smiled at him, and squeezed it. 

"Mhm, I'm practically a born natural at this." You said, confidently. You were still a little worried, considering it was night, but you thought you were doing good. 

It started to rain a little bit, making it fairly difficult to see through the rain, without very much light. You were struggling to see, when he you heard a thunk noise. You quickly stopped, a little scared. 

"Did I hit a rock or something?" You said, pulling over, and putting it on break. 

"I don't know. You can barely see anything. We might as well check to make sure that there isn't a hole in a tire or anything." You said, putting on a hoodie, and getting ready to go look in the rain. 

"What happens if there is a hole in the tire?!" You said, freaking out a little bit. 

"Relax, we have an extra tire in the back, and I can easily replace it is needed. Everything is fine, love. You didn't do anything wrong." He said, reassuring you. "Now, get your jacket, and come outside with me." He said, already opening the door, and heading outside. 

You quickly got on a jacket, and braced yourself for the cold, rain. Then you headed outside of the car. Once you were outside, Donnie quickly ran over to you, and you looked at him confused. 

"It's nothing, Dove. Let's go back into the car." He said, rushing you back into the car, quickly. He turned your face around to face the car, as he pushed you into the car. 

"Geez, Don. What's the rush? How do you even know if there's a hole in the tire? You were only outside for like 10 seconds." You said, sitting down in the car. 

"I just do, now let's go." He said, quickly. He was about to shut the car door, but you peaked your head outside, and looked behind the car. In the street all wet, laid a dead squirrel. A squirrel you ran over. 

Donnie immediately noticed you had seen the squirrel, when he saw your heart broken face. Tear began to fall down your face, and Donnie heard quiet sniffles come from you. 

He quickly helped you out of the car, and opened the back door. Then he helped you in, and got in behind you. Donnie closed the door behind him, and quickly wrapped his arms around you, holding you. 

"I-I I killed it." You said, through your tears. You felt so bad. You ended that squirrels life. 

"Dove, I know you didn't mean too. It's okay. I'm hear." He said, rubbing your back, and hugging you tightly. 

"I don't want to drive anymore. I want to go home. Please, don't make me drive us back." You said, feeling like you were the world's worst driver ever. 

"Okay, love. We don't have to go. We can go home if you want. I'll drive us home, don't worry." He said, kissing your forehead. 

"I'm sorry I ruined our date night." You said, sadly. 

"Love, you didn't ruin anything. It's okay. When we get home, we'll cuddle and just stream the movie instead, alright?" He said, and you nodded. 

"Can we stay like this for a little longer?" 

"Of course, Love. As long as you'd like." 


1070 words

I'm sorry if this is incorrect, I've never driven before. 

Thank you for reading

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day

Ye 🐿️

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