Your First Fight | Leo 🫐

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Raph has always scolded Leo for being to reckless during battle, but you always thought he was over reacting. Now though, you've recently started to notice that Leo has been a little bit more reckless, and you confronted I'm about it. 

(Takes place before the movie, but he still is the leader.)



2nd person POV

Tonight was Leo's first mission as leader, and he couldn't be more excited. Of course they have all trained with Leo as their leader, making decisions and all, but this was the real deal. 

During team building exercises,Raph ahs always been on Leo's back, and you knew that he was over reacting a little bit. You figured that once it's the real deal, he'd focus more and take initiative, but he didn't. 

The entire mission he was goofing off, and making jokes. He probably almost got decapitated at least three times! And on top of that the villains got away. Thankfully they were just stealing TV's, but it could've been worse than that. You understood him goofing off during practice, but when it's real, it's serious. 

You didn't want to feel this way, but you felt a little disappointed in him. He knew it was important, and he knows that as leader he should be responsible for anything bad going on. But you felt like you were turning on him. You and him were a team too, and now you've ere taking everyone else's side. 

Once you all got back to the lair, Leo obviously didn't care, but Raph gave him a huge lecture, which you, Donnie, and Mikey all had to watch. 

"Leo for the last time, you can't be that reckless during a mission! This was important!" Raph yelled at him. You and the other turtles just looked away, and tried your best to ignore the situation. 

"They are stealing TVs. I don't think it was that important." Leo said, walking away. 

"How many time do I have to tell you this. You can't be irresponsible as the leader! You shouldn't have been irresponsible before you were a leader either! I don't know why Dad made you leader, but clearly it was a mistake." Raph said, and Leo stopped in his tracks. 

"Whatever, he made me leader for a reason, your just to stupid to see why. Come on, Y/n. Let's go." He said, motioning for you to follow him. But tis time you didn't. Usually you would comfort him, but you didn't. You don't know why Splinter made him leader, and frankly you don't think that Leo knew either. 

"Leo... maybe you shouldn't have been that reckless. I mean it was important." You said, looking away. Leo started at you angrily. "You know it's just a thought." You said, stepping back a little bit. 

"You're really taking his side. I can't believe you! You've always been there for me! Whatever I don't need you. See ya." He said, walking to his room, and you felt horrible. Mikey placed a hand on your shoulder and you all left the room. 


It had been a couple days since you have talked to Leo, and you were starting to worry. Yes, you've had fights before, but you've never stopped talking to each other for more than a couple of hours. 

The others had tried to convince you that you made the right decision, but in your heart, you felt like you completely betrayed him. That's why you were heading to the lair, to apologize. Even though you did have the right to disagree, you would do anything to keep the two of you from fighting. 

You walked into the lair, and headed to his room to find him. You moved the door of the subway cart, and looked in, but he wasn't there. 

"I think Leo's in the dojo, if your wondering where he is." Donnie said, startling you a little bit. "He's been in there all day, for the last few days actually." He stated, pointing in the direction of the dojo. 

"Thanks Don." You said, happily because you knew where he was, but also nervous as to why he's been in there for so long. 

You head over to the dojo, and open the door to see Leo portalling around the room. It looked like was training, and trying to get better at his powers. 

"Leo?" You said quietly, trying your best not to startle him. He didn't even notice that you were in the room, until you said his name. 

"Y/n? Why are you here?" He said, completely oblivious that it was clearly to make up. 

"I'm here to apologize. I didn't mean to choose your brothers over you, and I know you were trying your best. I shouldn't have abandoned you. I'm sorry." You said, stuffing your hands into your pockets and looking away. 

"What's there to apologize about? You were right. I was being to reckless, and you had every right to say I was irresponsible." He said, continuing to train and portal around the room. 

"Leo, I never said you were irresponsible. You were just acting irresponsible. I know you could do it, if you really tried. I believe in you." You said, feeling bad that he thought you saw him as irresponsible, and incapable of leading the team. Leo just continued to practice, ignoring your earlier explanation. 

"Leo, please stop and listen to me. I don't want to fight, please?" You said, in a sweet, soft voice. He stopped and looked over to you. "Leo, I know you can lead the team, and I know your not irresponsible. Can we please just stop fighting?" You said, sadly.

You opened your arms, and he ran over to you, giving you a big hug. He even lifted you off the ground and spun you around, kissing your cheeks and temples. 

"I'm sorry I got so mad. It's just your opinion is the one I care about the most, and to see you not believe that I could lead the team, kinda scared me." You smiled, happy that he cared about your opinion so much. 

"I promise I won't goof off during missions, ever again." He said, putting you down and kissing you on the lips.

That didn't last long.


1036 words

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Ye! 🫐

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