Dinner | Mikey & April 🌇

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You, Mikey, and April, had always loved to cook dinner together, but because of the fight with the Kraang, you were severally injured, and Mikey's hands made it difficult to cook. 



Ever since the turtles saved the world from the Kraang, you had been on bed rest. Mikey said, it was probably the best thing for you, due to you being horribly injured during the fight.

Mikey was so badly injured, when he opened the portal to get Leo, which caused his hands to crack and peel a little bit. All he needed to do was rest his hands, which was probably the worst thing he could possibly have to rest. 

Mikey loves to draw and cook, but now he can't anymore. He can barely do anything without his hands now! Your girlfriend, April has to take care of you and Mikey, since she didn't have any wounds whatsoever. 

You had to stay in April's apartment, until you got better, which you hated. It's not like you had anything against it, but you just wanted to leave. Your boyfriend, Mikey would come and visit you, once he could do simple things with his hands, and April took care of you all the time. 

Besides them, you rarely saw anybody ever! You really missed them. Donnie would occasionally come over to give you a check up, but you still missed him. April wouldn't let you leave, since you couldn't even walk, but of you could, you'd run right on over to the lair. 

You missed when you could do things together with Mikey and April. The one thing you missed most was when the three of you would cook dinner together. It was always so fun, but now Mikey could barely hold a pan, and you couldn't even stand. 

Now, April will carry you to the kitchen, and let you watch he cook, while you waited for dinner, but it didn't feel the same at all. You missed spending time with them, but now you couldn't, and all because you got yourself hurt! 


You were laying in bed, with Mikey sitting next to you. He was talking about these new compression gloves that Donnie made for him. And he looked really happy. 

"And he even made them with three finger holes, so they fit perfectly! My hands are healing really fast now!" He said, excitedly. You giggled a little bit, at how happy he was. 

"Now Mikey, they still got a lot of healing to do, so don't get too excited." Donnie said,coming in through the window. 

"Hey, Dee! Are you back to give me another check up?" You said, happily. He nodded his head, as he pulled out a first aid kit. 

"We need to replace all the bandages, so help me take the old ones off. Then I can take a look at them." He said, already unraveling the one in your arm. 

"How are Leo, and Raph?" You asked, hoping they were doing good. 

"Nothing's really changed since the last time you asked. Leo's still on bed rest like you, and Raph still has his eye patch." He said, not even looking up at you. You could tell he was tired of you asking, but you just had to know if they were doing good. 

"I promise I'll let you know when they start to get better, it just might be a while." He said, studying the wound on your arm, and replacing the bandage. 

"Okay." You said, sadly. Then you helped him take another one off of your leg. After he replaced all of your bandages, and took a while to study your condition, he started to pack up and head out. 

"Well, your improving very well, so that's good. I'll be back in about a week." He said to you. 

"When will I be able to do things with everyone?" You asked, worriedly. 

"Probably not for a while." He said, heading out the window. "I'm sorry." Then he headed out the door. Mikey hugged you, as you looked down, sadly. 

"Don't worry, love. We'll be able to do something fun soon, but for now you need to focus on getting better." He said, kissing your forehead. 

"I'm tired with trying to get better! It's been four months, since the Kraang, and I haven't gotten out of this bed once!" You said, sadly. "I just want to do stuff with you and April, like we used to. I miss going on dates, and saving the world and all that lovey-dovey stuff." You said, hugging him tightly. 

April came into the room, with your dinner, and notice your sad face, as you hugged Mikey. She set your food down on the end table, and kissed your forehead. 

"You'll be able to walk after a little bit, honey. Just give it time." She said, hugging you close. "I brought you dinner." Then she handed you the meal. It was one of your favorites to cook with Mikey and April. 

"I miss cooking with you two." You said, staring at the plate. "When I get better, can the first thing we do be cooking? I love cooking with the two of you." You said, looking at them. 

"Of course." They said, in unison. 


After a couple more months, you had finally gotten better. You could run around, and not have to worry about falling, it was amazing. By now, you had completely forgot about cooking dinner with your partners. 

Whenever you got home from hanging out with Leo, Raph, and Donnie. You saw a bunch of grocery bags on the counter, which April and Mikey were unpacking. 

"Oh, did you get any good snack?" You said, happily. Then you hopped onto one of the stool on the counter. 

"We didn't get any snacks, love. We got ingredients." April said, taking the ingredients out of the bag. 

"Why do we need ingredients?" You said, completely clueless. 

"We need them to make dinner, honey? Did you forget?" Mikey said, looking over at you, chuckling a little bit. Your face lit up, and the two of them smiled. 

"Really?!" You said, in complete unbelief. 

"Yes, love. We're making your favorite. Grab an apron and we'll hop to it." April said, tilting her head into the direction of the aprons. 

"Aww, thank you, thank you, thank you! I missed this so much!" You said, pulling them both into a hug. 

"We missed this too."


1069 words 

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Have a great day! 

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