Valentine's Day | All 💐

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 You and Raph had decided to just stay at home and cuddle all day. To be honest, this is actually out of the ordinary because usually he is training or other things like that, so the two of you don't really just take the time to cuddle for a long period of time that often. 

He definitely gets you lots of chocolate and a plushie, which you aren't surprised in the slightest. He actually gets the two of you matching ones, and you hug each other's plushies while the tow of you actually cuddle. 

He sneaks in many,any kisses while the two of you are cuddling, and gives you thousands of compliments about how amazing you are, and how snuggly you are. 


He does all the cheesy stuff in all of the movies. He got you a huge bouquet of flowers and a hand written poem, that he totally didn't find off the interwebs. (I'm sorry, but I have no doubt that he has no idea how to write a love letter.) 

He has pickup lines for days, which turns you into a blushing mess. Of course some of them are also really corny and make you laugh, but most of them either make you blush from embarrassment, or they make you blush because they are actually really sweet. 


He actually just asks you what you wanna do because he ain't got a clue. He never told you this, but he spent like the entire month looking up romantic things to do for valentine's day. 

The two of you just kinda do what you always do together, but you actually were able to talk him into cuddling with you for a little bit, in his incubator bed. You love it, it's really nice and cozy. 

He definitely builds some.thing for you too. It was actually very difficult to hide it. You love to help him with building his inventions, even if you don't know anything about how to help. 


Plans a extremely romantic picnic, which he actually makes all the food for it too. The picnic had all of your favorite foods and desserts. He even had candles and rose petals on the picnic blanket. 

The two of you also decided to dress like really fancy for it, even though it's not really that formal. You wore a completely orange outfit, which Mikey thought was the cutest thing on earth. He ended wearing a tuxedo that was in your favorite color too. 


She's taking you all around New York to a bunch of different places. You both went to a really fancy cafe for breakfast, which had a bunch of yummy pastries. Then the two of you went tot the park, and went to go see a romcom movie.

She promised that this day was all about the two of you, and said that there would be no chaos today. She told the turtles that they could absolutely not call her and ask for help on your special day. ( They still called her, and the two of you went to go help.)


514 words

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Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great valentine's day

Ye 💐

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