The First Kiss 💙 x M! Vigilant Reader (r)

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Request from  @mgmendez2305

The reader and Leo are taking things slow., since they both have never been in a relationship before. After about 2 1/2 months they finally share their first kiss.



3rd person POV

You and Leo had been dating for a while now. You both decided to take the relationship slowly, so you'd both have time to figure things out. Neither of you had been in a relationship before, so you both didn't want to rush.

Leo said he was fine with it and that he understood. He felt the same too. The only thing he knew about relationships were from cheesey ROM COMs. 

Not only did you both not know much about love, but you both hadn't even known each other for long anyway. It was love at first sight. 

Meat Sweats had captured you a while back and used you as bait to lure in the turtles. That's when you met them. You didn't judge them for their looks. I mean they did save your life. Not to mention they looked so cool! You immediately fell in love with the turtle in blue. He was funny, and kind, and brave. 

You could still remember the exact words he said to you that night. He broke the tension with a joke. He put his hand out to you and helped you up as he asked you if you were okay. 

And Leo could remember the whole scenario perfectly too. The way you thanked them for saving you. The way you laughed at his joke. The way you carefully studied each of them and then thought that they were so cool. 

At first you thought they were superheros so you were ecstatic, but then they told you they were mutated turtles and it just became so much better. Your smile that day was imprinted in his brain. God you were so handsome. 

Leo couldn't believe that he was dating you. Even if it was slow, he was still overflowed with joy. Leo was usually the one who planned the dates for you and him, and this time it was extra special. He looked up when would be the appropriate time to kiss in a slow burn relationship and you both had been dating for over 2 months now.

He was a little nervous because you'd never discussed kissing before. He didn't know if he'd be going to fast. But then again he was excited because what if you said yes. What if you wanted to kiss? What if you did kiss?! 

He planned a romantic scene for the date. It was a roof top picnic. With all of your favorite foods. It was going to be perfect. Little did he know that his brothers were going to be there too.

You both entered Donnie's lab one time and realized you were holding hands. You quickly let go hoping that he didn't notice, but he did. Then he told Mikey who then told Raph and now they were going to spy on.

How could it go wrong?


Leo had told you that he had a special date night planned for the both of you. Knowing Leo this could either go really well or terribly wrong. Either way it would be fun. You got ready to go to the lair.

You lifted the man hole covering and climbed down the latter. You were going to try to say hi to the boys before you left with Leo, but you couldn't find them anywhere in the lair. You even looked in Donnie's lab and he wasn't there.

If the boys went on a mission, Leo would've gone too. And if Leo would've gone too, he would've told you. You just decided to shrug it off and head to Leo's room, since he was probably waiting for you. You moved the curtain and you saw Leo waiting on his bed for you to arrive.

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