Please Don't Go | Mikey 🌞

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Lately you've been stressed about what feels like everything, and it doesn't seem to get any better. Between your job, school, relationships with friends, and how you feel about yourself, you kinda just wished it was over. So while looking at the sunset on the roof of a building, you decided to do something you would regret for the rest of your life. 

WARNINGS: Angst, reader is suicidal, attempted suicide, and heart warming fluff from Mikey himself. 

(Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with this topic!)

But Otherwise Enjoy!


It was finally Friday, and you had just gotten off of work for a job you absolutely hated. You worked at a horrible fast food restaurant, with a horrible boss, and no air conditioning in the kitchen. 

On top of that, you had fun nothing to do this weekend because all of your friends dumped you for being to negative all the time. Which you were, but they were some of the only people who made you happy. The only person now that could make you happy, wasn't even a person. It was your boyfriend Mikey. 

All you wanted to do was go to Mikey, hug him, and tell him how horrible your life is. You wanted to tell him about all of your worries and all the things you were anxious about. But you swore to yourself that you wouldn't. 

You didn't want to be a burden to him. All you do is complain about everything, and he's probably tired of always comforting you, when something doesn't go your way. He probably thinks your more trouble than your worth. 

I mean how could he not? All you ever talk about is how horrible your life is and horrible you are. Your just such a burden and a waste of time. Maybe it would be better if you just.... 

Weren't hear anymore. 

You decided it would probably be best to go on a walk before heading to the lair, that way you could get all of these horrible thoughts out of your mind. If you saw Mikey right know, you'd probably break into tears anyway. 

You climbed up the fire escape of the nearest building, and started walking across the roofs. You figured that you wouldn't be able to focus with all the people everywhere. And the roofs of all the buildings were high enough so you couldn't here much. 

After a while, you noticed the beautiful sunset and decided to stop and just stare at it. You watched the sun, as you leaned on the edge of the building. You almost completely forgot about you worries, until you looked down. 

You just stared at the concrete flooring of New York. You were just so high up. You never realized how high up all the buildings were, until now. Memorized by how far the ground was from you, you stood up on the ledge of the building. 

There was no way you were really gonna do this, were you? You took a deep breath, thinking of all the horrible things that wouldn't be able to hurt you anymore. You thought about how relieved everyone would be, now that your gone. 

And then you jumped. 

You jumped and fell to your death, until you felt something wrap around you and suddenly yank you. You opened you eyes, to see a orange chain wrapped around you. Then you looked up to see Mikey, holding onto the chain at the top of the building. 

After staring at each other for a while, as you dangled, he pulled you back up with tears in his eyes. Once you were safe, standing on the top of the building, he just stared at you with tears completely streaming down the sides of his face. You couldn't stand to look at his heartbroken face. 

As you stared at the floor, you suddenly felt arms wrap around your shaking badly. You looked over towards Mikey, hugging you tightly, as if you'd disappear if he let go of you for even a second. You heard him mutter a single word over and over again, but you couldn't make out what it was. 

"W-why?" You heard him say, after hearing the mumbled word come out of his mouth a few times. "Why w-would y-you do th-that? W-why would you t-try to e-end your l-life? W-why?" He said, still clinging onto you for dear life. 

You couldn't bare to tell him that you truly hated yourself, that you hated your life, and that it would be better if you weren't even in it. 

"Mikey, I-It's alright. I just tripped over the edge of the building. It was an accident, I promise. Mikey, I'm alright." You said, tears starting to fall down your face too. 

"Don't lie to me, Y/n." He said though his tears. "I know you did that on propose. I saw you jump. But why? Why would you do that?" He said sadly, looking up at you and wiping the tears off of your face, although it didn't do very much. 

"I-I'm so sorry, Mikey." That was all you could say. You were sorry for worrying him. You were sorry for always being a burden. And you were sorry that he had to save you. 

"Oh, lovely. It's gonna be okay. Everything is going to be okay. What matters is that you a here, and safe in my arms. That's all that matters." He said, holding you close to his chest, as you continued to sob. 

"You don't have to tell me anything, lovely. We'll get this all figured out later." He said reassuringly, while rubbing you back, trying to comfort you. 

"I couldn't imagine a world with out you, sweetheart. Please don't go. Don't you know how important you are, and how much you mean to everyone? How much you mean to me?" He whispered to you. 

"Please, don't go. Not here, not now, not ever. Please, don't leave me. Please, don't go."


994 words

Sorry this one is so short

Thanks for reading! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day

Ye 🌞

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