Aftercare | Turtle Boys 🐢 (13+ Recommended)

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(I advise you to be 13+ before reading this, but you know I'm not the boss of you.)




During aftercare, Raph let's you take a little break before cuddling, or taking a shower. Your no doubt extremely tired, due to his size. Once you catch your breath, he'll pretty much do whatever you want, whether it's taking a shower, cuddling, watching a movie, anything. 

If you two cuddle, he'll hold you like your a teddy bear, and tell you how much he loves you. Sometime you both will watch a movie, but most of the time your both to tired to focus on it. 

If you both take a bath or a shower, he'll scrub you, and do your hair. You have to sit on his lap because he's too big, to fit the both of you in the tub, side by side. He'll definitely give you a bunch of kisses too, while he bathes you.


Absolutely loves to compliment you and tell you just how much you turned him on. Tells you how beautiful/handsome you are, and definitely tells you a bunch of sexy pick-up lines. He'll ask what you want to do for aftercare because he's never really done aftercare before, or you know sex. 

If you two cuddle, he'll kiss you up and down and tell you just how gorgeous you were. You two don't watch a movie or anything, he wants to focus on you and only you. He gets as many blankets as possible for your aftercare snuggle. 

If the two of you take a bath or shower, he'll definitely bathe you, but only if you agree to bath him, which you almost always do. He loves to give you massages in the bath, and listen to you sign in delight.


He's researched all about aftercare, for you, but he still isn't very good at affection. You both agree on what to do together, once you both catch your breath. Sometimes you have to take the lead, just because he's a little nervous and not the best with physical affection. 

If you both cuddle, he'll constantly ask you if the way your cuddling is okay, and comfortable. You both love to give each other forehead kisses. You always praise him too, and he always tells you how good you did in return. 

If the two of you take a bath to shower, he'll get out a thermometer, to tell if the water is absolutely perfect, for maximum comfort. You take turns bathing each other too. He absolutely loves to bathe you, but is a little nervous about it.


Gives you a million kisses and praises. He needs to tell you just how amazing you did, and how proud of you he is! Your absolutely the most precious thing to him, and you should be treated as such. 

If you want to cuddle, say no more. He's already under the covers, with a million blankets to keep the two of you warm. Absolutely loves to kiss you, and praise you, even after you fall sleep. Tells you exactly how perfect you are, and how precious to him you are. 

If the two of you take a bath, he's definitely putting a bunch of bubbles in. And I mean a lot. Definitely bathes you, and gives you many, many kisses everywhere. He can't shut up about how amazing you are.


561 words

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Ye 🐢

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