Rule #1: You can't make people fall in love. 💙 x Genie Reader

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Your a genie and the Foot Clan uses you to grant wishes for them against your will. Then the boys find out and try to take the genie bottle from the Foot Clan. 


3rd person POV

The Foot Clan had finally done it. They were finally going to take over the world and raise there master. The shredder. They found a ancient artifact. A genie bottle, that in fact was your home. And has been for the past 5,000 years.

They rumbled the genie bottle and magic smoke came out. Then you appeared from the bottle. You stretched. It's definitely been a while since you left.

"It's good to get out of the house every once ina while. Who all are you? Whya re you purple and actively on fire?" You said really confused.

"We are your masters. You must obey us." Your new master said. You gulped. They definitely went the nice kind of masters you thought you'd get. 

"Stop right there." Someone said in the shadows. You reminded to see four weird turtles. Now you were even more confused.

"Genie back in the bottle now!" Your master yelled at you.

"I have a name you know-"

"I said get in the bottle!" You did as you were told. Some magic smoke came back out and pulled you back into the bottle. You weren't able to tell what was going on because you were in your bottle, but the bottle kept shaking up and down, moving all of your furniture around. 

After an hour or two the shaking stopped. Someone probably set the bottle down. You waited for someone to let you out, but nobody did. You figured that someone probably lost the bottle and you were going to be lost for another 5,000 years.

You went ahead and got ready for bed. You figured this was better than being the genie of an evil master, who would just use you for selfish purposes. You fell asleep hoping that maybe one day you would get a good master. So done would use your powers for something else than to rule the world.


You woke up to your bottle rattling again. Maybe you weren't lost after all. It felt like someone was running with the bottle in there hand. Just then the motion stopped and magic smoke appeared, making you leave the bottle.

You came out again hoping it wasn't the same flame heads from before. Once you came out and the smoke cleared. You saw four turtles right in front of you. 

"Woah, they really did steal a genie." One of them in orange said.

"That's impossible Micheal, genies aren't real. I'm sure there is a logical explanation for this whole situation." One of them said putting there goggles down and stared at you.

"Woah that's a lot of mystic!" He said surprised staring at you. 

"Guys we have to make sure their okay. The Foot Clan just captured them! We don't know what they did." Everyone just looked at you.

"Are you okay?" The one in blue said, calmly.

"Yes, I'm okay. They never made a wish so nothing happened. I just have one question? Which one of you is my new master?" They looked confused.

"Master?" They all said at the same time.

"The person who rubbed the bottle and let me out. They are my master. I'm supposed to grant them three wishes a day. And only one of you can be my master." You said. Everyone looked over a the blue one and he smiled.

"Leo gets three wishes and not us!" The purple one said angrily. 

"I get three wishes! Awesome!" Leo said. 

"I think it's only fair that you give us each a wish."

"But there are only three wishes." He said pouting. You weren't going to lie, it kinda looked cute.

"You get a genie!" The one in orange said.

"There no point in having a genie if you can't make wishes, Mikey!" Leo protested. You were just confused. You sat on the counter as they argued. Then the red one turned to you.

"Wait guys we need to introduce ourselves! I'm Raph. That's Donnie, Mikey, and Leo. Who are you?" Raph said to you.

"I'm y/n." You said happily. "It's nice to finally have a good master." You said.


After a while you got to know the boys. Who you grew really fond of though was Leo. He was so funny and kind. You really missed the company and he seemed to enjoy your company too. You think you were actually starting to really really like him. 

While you both were hanging out that day he had wished for two things already. To have a new skateboard because his broke a while back, and a slice of pizza. Not an entire pizza or anything like that just one slice of pizza. He definitely wasn't the smartest person, but it was still funny.

You and Leo were both in his room. You both were talking and trying to decided what to do with his last wish.

"What do you think I should do? Should a bring back a dead person!" Leo said.

"I can't bring back dead people. There are only three rules. I can't bring back dead people. I can't give you more wishes and I can't make someone fall in love." You said counting the rules on you're fingers.

"You know this is the first time in a long time I haven't felt lonely. I mean yeah I have my brothers, but still." You smiled.

"When I make my last wish will you disappear?" He asked genuinely.

"I'll come back tomorrow when you rumb the bottle, but I'll disappear for the day and I won't be able to come out." You said.

"What happens if I don't make a wish? Do you go again?"

"No I won't leave. Why?" You asked a little confused.

"I just like hanging out with you." He said blushing a little bit. You noticed this and blushed a little bit. Did he feel the same way?

"I like hanging out with you too. Like a lot. I really enjoy your company. I mean it's been 5,000 years and-" You were cut off when Leo grabbed you hands and help them in his.

"Y/n I love you. And I don't know if you feel the same way or not but I feel like you should know that and I hope you feel the same way." He said really fast hoping you couldn't make out what he said, even though you did.

You kissed him. Right then and there. He was surprised at first, but he leaned in to the kissa and closed his eyes. You both parted and were blushing madly.

"I love you too Leo." He smiled and hugged you and you hugged back. You couldn't be happier.


1107 words.

Thank you for reading! 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated!

Have a great day! Ye! 💙

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