Movie Night | Mikey and Donnie 🌇🌆

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You, Mikey and Donnie all decided it's about time you go to see a movie in the theatre. While your there, you take a quick bathroom break and get locked inside the bathroom. By the way the reader has bad claustrophobia. 



2nd person POV

Jupiter Jim's last trip to the moon part 61 finally came out in the theaters today, and Mikey and Donnie couldn't he more excited. Your boyfriends have been waiting for this movie ever since the last one, and they just can't keep still. 

Of course they were planning to go see it on the theaters, the day it was going to come out, but then they decided that it would be a great date night opportunity. 

None of you had ever been on a date night at the movies before, which is surprising considering it's like the most popular thing to do on a date. So the three of you were all excited for the movie. 


You all got to the theater about fifteen minutes before the movie would start, which left you all a perfect amount of time to get snacks and watch the previews before the movie. 

You and Mikey both decided to share a pack of gummies worms, since he really wanted some. Donnie tried to talk him out of it because he knew he wouldn't eat all of them, so you offered to share with him. As for Donnie, he got some popcorn without any bitter whatsoever. 

You all payed for your snacks and walked to your movie theater, and found your seats. Donnie sat on your right, while Mikey sat on your left. As you all got situated, you realized you forgot to use the bathroom. You got up quickly and started to head over to the exit for the movie theater.

"Where are you going, Dove?" Donnie said, grabbing your wrist, so you could leave without responding. 

"Oh, I was just getting up to use the restroom real quick before the movie starts, that's all. I'll be right back, promise." You said, reassuringly. 

"Okie dokie, love. Just hurry, there might be some movies in the previews you might want to see." Mikey said, as Donnie let go of your wrist. 

You quickly head out of the movie theater, and tried to find a bathroom. After wandering around the halls, you found a family restroom, and you were a little hesitant to go in. 

You hated family restrooms. Of course you didn't really like the idea of using the restroom with two other people two feet away from you going to the restroom too. However the family restrooms were just one room. 

One room you could get locked in. 

You absolutely hated the thought of being trapped in there. The thought of being stuck in a tiny little room, with no way of getting out. It absolutely terrified you, but you needed to go. 

You headed inside and closed the door behind you, locking it. You did your business rather quickly,out of fear of being locked, and you washed your hands. Then you quickly unlocked the door, and tried to open in. 

But it wouldn't open. 

It wouldn't open! You started to pull the door with as much forever as you possibly could, but it wouldn't move. You started to have a full on panic attack, but you tried your best to calm yourself. 

Maybe it was just you over reacting. Your just not thinking clearly. That's the problem. Your just to worried to think clearly. You tried one more time to open the door, but it still wouldn't open. 

You then went to the conclusion that you were actually locked in, and you needed to call help. You quickly dialed Donnie's number, considering that he always picks up the phone, but he didn't. 

Then it hit you. Of course he wouldn't pick up the phone because they make you silence phones at the movies. You couldn't contact either of them. You were all alone, locked in a room with anyway of contact. Then you broke down. 


The movie had just started and Mikey and Donnie couldn't be more excited, but then the two of them looked to their side, and you weren't there yet. 

"Where's Y/n? They're gonna miss the movie. They said they would be back before the previews started!" Mikey said, worriedly. 

"I'm sure there's probably just a long line or something. Although I do wish they were hear to see the beginning." Donnie said, reassuring Mikey that you were probably fine. 

Mikey slummed down into his chair, pouting a little bit. Of course neither of them wanted you to miss the movie, but you were probably fine. 

After a while, you still weren't there, and the boys began to worry about you even more. Donnie guessed you had been gone for about 15 minutes after the movie started, but then again time probably passed faster than he thought. 

He checked the time on his phone, and saw that there were multiple missed phone calls in his notifications from you. 

"Mike, Mikey." Donnie whisper shouted, while repeatively tapping his brother. Mikey looked in his direction confused. 

"What up, Dee? Is this part a reference to something?" He asked, looking back to the screen to figure out what it was. 

"What no, Mikey! I have multiple missed calls form Y/n! Something is probably wrong." He said, opening the phone to a tracker he has on your phone. Mikey looked over at the phone, and saw where you were. 

"Well their not that far away, so there probably just lost or something." He said, getting up. 

"Okie dokie, let's go find them!" Mikey said, getting up and yelling. They heard a bunch of shh-ing them and telling him to be quiet. "Whoops, sorry, sorry." He said, and they left. 

They looked at the tracker, and tried their best to find you. They stopped at the door of the bathroom. 

"They're probably in here!" Mikey said, pointing to the door. 

"Mikey? Is that you?" You said, relieved that he was here. 

"Yup, and I brought Donnie too!" He said. 

"Were going to get you out okay, love?" You muttered a quick okay, and they looked for a way to get in. They found a vent, and crawled in. 

You heard some rumbling noises coming from the ceiling, and they both fell down. You couldn't be more happy to see them, and went up to hug them, to which they hugged back. 

"Alright! Let's go back through the vent." Donnie said, ending the hug. 

"What do you mean?! That's even smaller than this room! I'm not going on there!" You said, scared. 

"Alrighty, then let's just open the door." Mikey said, trying to open it. 

"I don't know Mikey. I don't think you'll be able to open i-" You were cut off as he flawlessly opened the door, and looked over at you. "How did you-" 

"Did you push it?" Mikey said, then you realized that you indeed didn't push the door you pulled it. 

"Come on, love. Let's just go watch what's left of the movie." Donnie said, and you all headed back to your seats.


1194 words

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Ye 🌇🌆

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