Morning Coffee and Cuddles | Donnie ☕

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We all know Donnie isn't the best with physical touch, so to get better at it, you both cuddle while he drinks his coffee. It's very rare because he usually works really late and sleeps in, or he has a mission. One day though, you sleep in and Donnie had already finished his coffee.



3rd person POV

Donnie knows your touch staved, and absolutely craves physical affection, but he's not very good at giving it to you. He really wants you to be happy, but it makes him a little uncomfortable. 

Donnie knows that you would never even think of asking him for affection, if it made him uncomfortable, but he still feels bad for not wanting to cuddle with you. And on the rare occasion the two of you do cuddle, your overjoyed. You'll ask him if he's sure about it, and you make sure not to hug him too tight. 

It really breaks his heart though, that the two of you almost never cuddle, tot he point where you don't even believe it's true, when he says it's alright. He really really wants to cuddle you more, and he can see the face you make whenever the two of you finally do cuddle. You act like it's one of the happiest moments moments of your life, and Donnie wants you to feel that way. 

But he can't 

Then the two of you had an idea. Donnie's only really uncomfortable with affection, if he's focused on it. If he doesn't think about it to much, then he's fine with it. Then the two of you decided to cuddle, and have coffee together. 

It's rare that the two of you wake up together, so he can start slow, but it would be more often that the two of you would have a cuddle session. 

Usually Donnie stays up really late, working on projects, or he has a mission, so he sleeps in. Sometimes though, you force him to sleep, and you both end up waking up together. 

When you two wake up together, he'll go get the two of you coffee, and then the two of you will drink it while cuddling. Sometimes the two of you will even watch a movie or something like, but the majority of the time the two of you just talk. 

The majority of the time, the cuddle session is short,. He chugs his coffee, but he has two cups, however he limits you to just one cup. He tells you you get way to hyper when you have to much caffeine. 

You always look forward to your cuddle sessions with Donnie, but little did you know, Donnie was growing to like them too. In fact he craved them. He'd never admit it, but he would stop working early, just to go to sleep, and then wake up with you, for cuddles. 


One day, after a long day of work, you came to the lair, and fell asleep, next to Donnie. However you must've been really really tired because you were asleep for three hours more than you usually sleep. 

You woke up, rubbing your eyes and yawning, the following morning. Still laying down, you opened your eyes to see Donnie sitting up in bed, working on his lap top. He turned to see your sleepy figure, and smiled. 

"Good morning, Dove. How did you sleep?" He said, brushing a strand of hair out of your face, and behind your ear. 

"I slept great." You said, still in a sleepy voice. 

"Good, I figured you did because it's like 11:00 now." He said, and your eyes widened, out of shock. You looked at the time on Donnie's computer, and it was indeed 11:00 a.m. He chuckled a little bit at your reaction, and kissed your forehead. You sat up, and noticed a coffee mug, on the side table, and the mug was completely empty.

"D-did you already have coffee?" You said, a little heart broken, and Donnie could tell. He frowned a little bit, and your reaction. He knew you looked forward to cuddles, but he didn't know when you'd wake up. 

"I'm sorry, darling. I woke up like four hours ago. I was going to wait till you woke up, but you never did. I'm sorry." He said, looking away at your broken face. 

"Okay, it's fine." You say sadly, as you snuggle back into the pillow, and wrap yourself back up with the blanket. Donnie felt a little bad. Recently he's been up late, working on a project, so you both haven't been able to cuddle in the mornings. Donnie also didn't want you to think that it's your fault because you slept in. 

"You know Love, we can still cuddle if you want." He said, looking back at you. You sat up and looked at him surprised. "That is if you still want to." He said. 

"Really? Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable or anything, so don't say you ant to of you don't." You said, still a little surprised. 

"I'm sure. I've actually started to really look forward to our cuddle sessions. And I really like seeing you happy too." He said, blushing a little bit, and looking away. You got really excited after he said that. You were happy that not only was he starting to get used to physical touch, but he also enjoys it. 

You immediately hugged him, and wrapped your legs around him. He chuckled a little bit at how quickly you practically jumped into his arms after saying that. He hugged back, and wrapped his arms around your waist. Then your legs intertwined. 

"Do you want me to hug you tighter, or looser?" You said, looking up at him. You wanted to make sure this was as enjoyable as possible. 

"Tighter." He said, hugging you tightly, and nuzzling into your neck. You smiled and closed your eyes, hugging him tightly. Then the two of you drifted back to sleep. 


1208 words

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Have a great day! 

Ye ☕

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