Nightmares | Leo 🌆

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Leo has another nightmare about the Kraang, after he saved New York, so in the middle of the night he called you for comfort. Of course, you rushed over to help him fall back asleep. 



2nd person POV

1:22 a.m. 

Leo started to stur while in bed, tears streaming down the sides of his face, as he moved back and forth in his bed. Whimpering and sniffling, he shot up in his bed and opened his eyes. 

He realized where he was and that it was all just a dream. He looked down at his body. His hands were shaking and he was really tense. He felt bullets of sweat fall down his face, a long with his tears. 

Leo had yet another nightmare about the Kraang, and this one was the worst one he's ever had. He dreamt that not only did all of his brothers die, but you died too. Everyone died, and it was all his fault. The Kraang had killed you right in front of him, and he was the only one to blame for not getting the key. 

More and more tears started to stream down his face as he thought about it more. He started to sniffle and whimper even more, occasionally hiccuping every now and then. He continued this for about half an hour, then he completely collapsed on his bed, holding himself. 

He didn't want to call you, but god he wanted your comfort so much. He was just didn't want to bother you, even if he felt like he would practically die with out your soft voice, and warm embrace. 

2:37 a.m. 

He couldn't take it anymore. He decided to call you. He absolutely needed to hear your gorgeous voice. Of course he would insist you shouldn't waste your time, and come over. You need your sleep too, but he absolutely needed to hear your voice. 

He picked up the phone on his bedside table, and dialed your number, feeling guilty for doing so. Not too long after the phone rang you picked up the phone, and you greeted him with your sweet voice. 

"Hey, baby. What's with the late night call?" You said, in your sleepy voice. Then you realized that he probably was having a nightmare. I mean, why else would he call. "Oh, wait. Are you havi another nightmare? Do you want me to come over?" You said, answering your own question. Then you got out of bed, getting ready to leave. 

"Oh, wait no no no. I'm fine. You don't need to waste your time coming over here. I know you need your beauty sleep." He said, a little nervously. "Of course you clearly don't need it." He said, making a pun to lighten the mood.

You giggled a little bit, but then realized he just said that to get you to stop worrying about him. You continued to get ready to leave without Leo knowing, ignoring his earlier request. You knew Leo when he was really upset, and this was it. 

"So why did you want to call me if you didn't have a nightmare?" You said, heading out the door, quietly, so he wouldn't be able to hear you leave. 

"I just wanted to hear your voice that's all." He said, not wanting to admit that he had yet another nightmare. Of course you knew he did have one, so you walked over to the lair and talked to him on the phone. 

3:02 a.m.

You had hung up with Leo on the phone not to long after you had arrived at the lair, and over the call Leo started to calm down a little. You walked into the lair, seeing that Donnie was clearly still up, due to the noise coming from his lab, and the rest were probably still asleep. 

You walked up to Leo's room, and you heard him quietly sniffling and crying though the doors of the subway cart. Your heart broke at the sound, of him crying, and you opened the subway car door. 

"Leo? Are you okay, love?" You said, trying to stay as quiet as possible, so he would feel comfortable. Of course he was surprised to see that you had came to the lair, after he told you not to. Then again you're you. 

"Y/n, I told you not to come. And I'm fine by the way." He said, turning the other way in his bed. You walked over to his bed, and sat on the side of it. 

"Lovely, you don't have to tell me what's wrong, but at least don't lie to me. I know you had a nightmare." You said, rubbing his back through the blanket that was wrapped around his freezing body. 

Your hand was so warm compared to him, and he turned around. Then he picked up your hand by the wrist and held your hand up to him face, nuzzling into the palm of it. 

"Your so warm." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist, forcing you to lay down with him. 

"You want me to lay down with you for a while?" You said, hoping that after a while, he will start talking. Then he nodded. 

3:34 a.m. 

After a while, he started to calm down, and he felt like talking. He sat up, and looked at you sadly. 

"I did have a nightmare. I know it's stupid that I keep having them, but this one was really bad." He said, looking away from you. 

"Leo, it's okay to have nightmares. You faced something really traumatic. What was it about specifically, that made it so bad?" You said, sitting up with him. 

"I-I thought I lost you. You died. You died, and it was my fault. All of it was my fault." He said, starting to cry again. 

"Oh, Leo. It's alright. It's not your fault. It really isn't. I love you so much Leo. Please don't ever blame yourself for this." You said, hugging him. 

"Thank you so much, love." 



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Have a great day

Ye 🌆

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