💜 The Hoodie 💜

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You have an eating disorder, and you commonly skip out on meals and starve yourself. Donnie is aware of this and helps you get over your disorder. Over the summer though you go on a long vacation, and when you return your hoodie is really big compared to you.

WARNINGS: Mentions of starving, eating disorder, angst.



3rd person POV

Donnie was starting to fell really lonely. Usually he wasn't the type of person who fells this way, but when your gone he can't help but miss you. You've been gone on a three week cruise with your family, over summer break. Then you were really busy for a additional week, and weren't able to visit him at all.

Can you blame him for missing you? You've been gone a whole month!

You texted him, that you just had to finish up some school work you missed, due to the vacation. Then you would be able to drop by the lair and see him. 

He couldn't wait. He made many calculations as to when your arrival is, based on when you texted him and how much school work you have left. 

Just as h was lost in his thought about when you were about to come, he heard a knock on. He turned around to see you standing in the door way, with a huge smile on your face.

"Hey Dee!" You said, as he ran over to you. 

"Oh missed you so much!" He said, lifting you off the ground. "That's weird. You weren't supposed to arrive until another 36 minutes." He said, setting you down.

"Did I say when I'd be here?" You said, confused. Then you looked behind him to see three chalk boards with calculations and diagrams all over them. There was information on when you texted him, and how much work you had left. You realized what he was talking about, and looked at him with a smile.

"I missed you. A lot." He said chuckling, as he put a hand on the back of his neck. You smiled. You were glad he missed you so much.

Donnie kissed you on the forehead, and looked at you. He realized you were wearing the hoodie you wore every single day, but it was bigger on you, than the last time he saw you. He was confused, why was it so big? You and been gone for a while, so a lot could've happened. Were you starving yourself again? 

Donnie knew you've starved yourself before, and that you had an eating disorder. He found out about a year ago, and was trying to help you overcome it. It's been a slow process, hit you've made a bunch of progress since then. 

You have gone back to starving yourself a couple of times, but You've always overcome it. The last time you've starved yourself was a couple of months ago, so were you really doing it again?He got really worried, as he looked at you. It showed on his face, and you looked at him confused.

"Is everything okay, Babe?" You said, holding his hands in yours. You looked at him, but he wasn't looking at you. He was looking at your body. He didn't want you to feel this way. You should feel safe in your body. 

He wishes he was with you the over the past month, even more than before. He was suppose to make you feel safe. But he wasn't there to comfort you. He could believe that you were in the middle of the ocean, all alone, without him, just wilting away. 

And there was nothing he could do about it.

Tears started to roll down his face. Your confused face, turned into a consurned one, as he started to sniffle and hold onto your hands tighter.

"Donnie is everything okay? What's wrong?" You asked in a soft voice, to calm him down. He hugged you tightly, crying into your shoulder. You hugged him back, rubbing his shell. Your eyes started to water too. 

You hated seeing Donnie cry. He rarely did, so if he was crying it was because of something serious or something that really scared him. 

You decided to move him to his bed instead of standing in the middle of his lab. You took his hand and guided him into his room and moved him to his bed. You continued to hug him, giving him kisses on his forehead and his cheeks.

He started to calm down, after a while. His breathing was more steady and you only occasionally heard him sniffle. You decided to ask him what was wrong now, since he could probably talk to you without stuttering or hiccuping. 

"Hey Baby. Do you want to talk about what's bothering doing you? You don't have to if you don't want to, I can just hold you until your completely calm, if you want me to." You said, in a calm voice, still rumbing his shell. "I just want you to feel better." 

Donnie stopped hugging you, and held your hands. He looked at your gorgeous face, that he could stare at forever, and moved a strand of hair behind your ear. 

"Have you been starving yourself again? Who's making you feel that you need to? What happened when you were on vacation? Was there anything I could've done if I was there. Why do you do this?" He said, mumbling a little bit. His voice was so quiet, though he was speaking rather quickly. Youcould barely make out what he was say, but when you were able to, you were confused.

"What do you mean starving myself? I'm not doing that. I haven't done that in months." You said, rather confused why he just assumed that you were. Donnie looked up at you equally confused.

"What do you mean your not?" He asked.

"I'm not. Do you want me to explain it differently?" You said.

"But you'd hoodie. Your hoodie is huge on you. Last time I saw you, it fit you perfectly. Now it's oversized. And you've been gone for like a month so..." He looked at you, completely puzzled. The second you realized why he thought you were starving yourself, you started to smile. Then you started to giggle. Donnie looked at you now completely confused. Why were you so happy?

"Darling, what is it? Why are you giggling?" Donnie asked. You looked up at him, with a smile plastered on your face.

"This is a different hoodie! I bought a new one that looks identical." You said.

"Why did you buy a new one?"

"Because I actually out grew my old one! I'm getting better!" You said happily. Donnies confused face turned into a happy smile. 

"Really?! Darling thats wonderful! I'm so proud of you!" Donnie said, hugging you a tight as he can, and kissing your forehead. "I love you so much!" He said, practically squealing.

 "I love you too, Dee!"


1136 words 

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Have a great day! Ye! 💜

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