Don't Hide | Turtle boys x 🦇 Yokai Reader 🌈

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Request from skullkill6a 

You've been dating the turtles for a while now, and you've never told them that you were a bat mutant. When you met them, you were wearing your broche, that made you look human. You were worried they wouldn't love you for who you really were, since they fell in love with you in your human form.



3rd person Pov

You were dating the turtles for about 4 months now. You met them in the hidden city, right after you purchased a new broche. One thing that was speacial about this broche was that it had the power to make a mutant look human.

You've always wanted to go up to the surface, so that's why you purchased it. Once you bought it, you immediately put it on. It was so cool! You looked completely different. Just as you were heading out of the store, you bumped into the turtles. 

You immediately became friends with them after that, and then you became their partners. You've never been so happy in your entire life! But there was one problem....

They've never really known the really you.

You met them with your broche on, so they never knew you were a bat mutant. You were going to tell them, when you were just friends, but then it became more than that. Then you started to worry that they might not love you for who you really are. Or that they will get mad at you for not telling them sooner. So you just never told them, ever. 


The boys had invited you to a sleepover tonight, and you were excited. I mean how could you not be, you loved them. You've never actually had a sleepover before with them though. You packed up your overnight bag, put on your broche, and left for the lair. 

You climbed down the lair, and saw the boys. They were skate boarding, down the ramp, and immediately stopped in their tracks once they saw you.

"Y/n!!!" They all yelled at they ran over to you. Once they made it to you, they embraced you into a hug and you happily hugged them all back.

"Ohmigosh! I can't believe your really here!" Mikey said, nestling his face into the crook of your neck. 

"Come on guys, let them breath." Donnie said, being the first to let go. Then everyone else followed after that. 

"Whatcha want to do first N/n?" Leo said, excitedly. He could barely keep still. You thought for a moment. 

"I don't know. I've never been to a sleepover before. What do you usually do?" Everyone looked at each other excitedly. You've never been to a single sleepover before? They get to teach you everything about sleep overs! They've had dozens of sleepovers with April before, so they were practically sleepover experts. 

"Well show you everything you need to know, baby! Come on, first how about we get changed into our PJs." Mikey rushed you to the bathroom, so you could get changed, and then you could start the sleepover. 

You went into the bathroom with all your stuff, to change, while the boys got changed into theirs in their rooms. While you were changing, you and to take the broche off. Then you got into your PJs. 

You looked at yourself in the mirror, and realized you needed to keep the broche on. You put it on your PJs and you transformed back into a human. You were worried they would question, why you were still wearing it to bed. You walked out and they were already waiting for you. 

"Hey, N/n! We thought we'd watch a movie and decide what we're doing from there okay?" Leo said, pointing behind him, to the living room. 

"Okie dokie!" You said, starting to headed over to the living room. You all sat down on the couch, when Mikey realized you all didn't have any popcorn!

"Hey, I'm going to go make popcorn, while you pick. Y/n you wanna come?" Mikey said, as he got up from the coach, where he was sitting.

"Sure!" You said, and you got up and followed him to the kitchen. Once you got to the kitchen, Mikey got some popcorn out of the pantry, and put it into the microwave. 

"Have you ever made popcorn before?" He asked you. 

"No, but I do like it! I always get some when I'm at the movies or anything like that." You respond. Mikey smiled at you response, and looked at you. He noticed that you were still wearing your broche, even when you were in your PJs.

"Hey, N/n. Why are you still wearing your broche? I understand you wear it like all the time and stuff, but isn't it like a little uncomfortable to sleep with?" He said, curiously. He looked at it a little closer. He never realized how neat it looked. 

"I umm- I just really like it, that's all." You said, nervously.

"It looks really cool." He said, holding the broche, as it was still connected to your PJs. You got really nervous as he unhooked the broche from your PJs and held it in the palm of his hand. You looked at yourself as you were starting to transform back to your original form. 

Mikey looked at you confused, as you started to turn into a bat. Then standing before him, was the really you. The one you didn't want him to see. You were shocked, and so was Mikey. You didn't know what to say. 

"Why are you wearing a cloaking broche?" You looked at him confused. You didn't know that he knew what it was. 

"Umm, I-i didn't mean to hide who I was, honest. It's just I had never found the time to tell you. And I thought you wouldn't love me if I was like this." You said. You looked away from him, scared. Just then you heard the door open and your boyfriends walked in.

"Hey, we pick out a movie like 5 minutes ago. How long does it take to make popcor-" The boys just stared at you confused. "Is that you Y/n?" Raph said.  You nodded and looked away. 

"Awe, sick! Your a bat mutant! That's so cool!" Leo said, hugging you. You looked at him confused. Then you looked at Mikey, Donnie, and Raph, to which they were smiling back at you. 

"N/n you know you shouldn't have to hide from us. We love you just the way you are!" Mikey said, joining the hug. Then Raph followed. 

"Yeah, I mean, were mutants too! You don't have to hide!" He said, nuzzling into you. 

"I can conquer. You look most definitely spectacular, as your real self, I might add." Donnie said, joining the group hug. You were so happy you that they excepted you that day. And you'll never hide your real self again.


1133 words 

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Have a great day! Ye! 🦇

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