Grumbles | Mikey 🍕

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Mikey is laying on your stomach when he notices your tummy grumble. He asks you if you want to eat anything, but you say no. Then he gets a little noisy and asks why. 

WARNINGS: Reader staves themselves. 



You had been starving yourself for at least 6 months now. You only ever ate when you absolutely felt like you had to, and even then sometimes you still didn't eat. You'd of course drink water and stuff, but you only ate about half a meals worth of food in three days. 

You didn't want to be like this. You just hated looking at your body, in the mirror everyday, seeing all the stretch marks on your thighs and the extra fat on your arms. You hated how anytime you moved, the extra weight on your limbs would jiggle. 

You missed whenever you could look at your body in the mirror and make a silly face, or strike a pose. When you would look at your body and be proud of it. But those days were gone, and they were probably never coming back. 

You knew that staving yourself was going to become a habit, and you knew that you probably weren't going to be able to eat like you used to again, but you didn't care. You didn't care as long as you were skinny. 

You wanted to tell Mikey about this problem, but you were scared about what he would feel about you. What he thought you were completely crazy for staving yourself for days, just so you could have a nice body? 

You weren't going to risk telling him. You couldn't. You were just going to have to keep it a secret from him forever. I mean so far it's been six months, and he still hasn't found out. So how long could forever be?

Right now, it had been three days since your last meal. Three days since you and something to eat as small as a granola bar. The only thing you had consumed was about four cups of water. 

You and Mikey were currently handing in his hammock. There wasn't enough room for the both of you to lay side by side, so the two of you always laid on top of one another. 

Mikey was laying on top of you this time. His head was resting on your tummy, while he closed his eyes and rested for a little bit. He just was on a really long mission, and he needed to have his stress reliever. Which was cuddles with you. 

While he tested you were on your phone, looking up the weight chart, and looking at articles on how to loose a lot of weight quickly. You bit your nails nervously, think of how fat you'd get if you didn't start working out, and eating even healthier food, than you already do. 

As Mikey was sleeping, your stomach had grumpled a lot. Mikey began to stir in his sleep. Then he eventually woke up, and noticed your stomach grumbling. 

"Hey, baby! Good morning!" He said happily, looking at you, with his lips puckered up, waiting for a kiss. You smiled, and kissed his lips. You the two of you giggled a little bit during the kiss, and then you parted. "I love good morning kisses~" Mikey said, in a daze. 

"I love you, so much!" You said, giving him an eskimo kiss. 

"Baby, th-that t-tickles m-my n-nose!" He said, giggling and try to pull away. Eventually you did stop, and Mikey tried his best catch his breath. "I love you too, lovely." He said. 

"I feel like there was something I was gonna ask you, but I forgot." Mikey said, a little upset. 

"It's alright, Mike. I'm sure it'll come back to you." You said, going back to your phone. Mikey laid back on you stomach, trying to remember, and then you stomach grumbled again. 

"Oh, let's go get something to eat! We can go out for pizza, if you want!" He said excitedly, looking back at you. 

"Oh, I'm not hungry, Mike. Maybe later we can have pizza for lunch or dinner." You said, not looking up from your phone. You didn't mean to be rude or anything, you were just focused on the article you were reading. 

"Baby, are you sure?" He said, a little confused. Why wouldn't you want to eat? He knew you were hungry. 

"Yeah, I'm sure." You said, a nervously. You didn't know why he was questioning it so much. I mean as far as you knew he thought that you are last night. Mikey looked at you sadly. 

Mikey wasn't buying it. He turned off your phone, and took it out of your hands. You looked up at him annoyed, and confused. He just set it down next to him in the hammock, and looked back at you. 

"Baby, your tummy was grumbling. Why don't you want to eat?" He said, worriedly. 

"Mike, I'm fine. My stomach was barely growling. Now give me back my phone." You said, reaching for it, not giving him an actual explanation. 

"Woah, woah, woah. Your not getting it back till you give me an actual explanation." He said. He did have a point, but you needed your phone back. If he opened your phone, he'd see all the tabs filled with articles about controlling your weight and weight charts. 

"Mikey, give it back." You said seriously, sitting up and trying to take the phone back from him. He sat up too, dodging you hand, keeping the phone away from you. 

"Why do you need it so much? Just talk to me for a second. I'll give it back." He said, noticing you were still reaching for it. "What were you even doing on it?" Mikey said, unlocking your phone and looking through it. 

"Mikey, don't-" But it was to late. 

"What's all this? Why are there articles on weight loss and a weight chart? You know your a completely fine weight right?" He said, looking through the articles. 

"Yeah, but what if I do over eat, and eat unhealthy foods, and gain weight?!" You said, taking the phone away from him. 

"Lovely, what matters is that your healthy. It doesn't matter how much you weigh." He said, trying to comfort you. 

"No, it doesn't! What matters is that I'm a light weight, and I look like it!" You said, in tears. You began to sob, quietly. Then Mikey quickly went to hug you, rubbing you back, and kissing your forehead. "I'm so hungry, Mikey." You said, in a heartbreaking voice. 

"Oh honey, you must be." He said. He'd never seen you feel so defeated and vulnerable. "I'll make you something to eat, okay baby? I'll make sure it's extra special." He said, hugging you tightly. 

"Thank you, Mikey. I love you so much." You said, still in tears.

"I love you too, honey. I love everything about you, from head to toe." 


1161 words 

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Ye 🍕

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