Bundle of joy ❤️ x Pregnant Reader (r)

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Request from @R0TMNTG33K

The reader and Raph are playing a video game and the reader runs to the bathroom to throw up. Later they take a test to see if their pregnant and they are! 

WARNINGS: Vomiting

Enjoy! ❤️


3rd person POV

You were playing your favorite video game with Raph. It's been a while since you and Raph played so both of you were very bad at it. You were sticking out your tongue trying you're best to focused on the game, while Raph yell at the game.

"Oh come on! That has to be  a glitch! I pressed A!" He said, you laughed at his reaction, but then you felt that feeling in you're stomach. The same feeling you did every morning since over a week ago.

You quickly rushed over to the bathroom, not even bothering to pause the game or tell Raph where you were going. You opened the door to the bathroom and slammed it shut. You fell to the bathroom floor and lifted the lid of the toilet. 

Then you threw up. The taste was terrible. You tried to get up to go get a drink of water, but your stomach didn't let you. You threw up one more time. God it was so terrible. Then you heard a knocking noise.

"Strawberry?! You okay?" He asked very worriedly.

"Yeah, sweetheart. I'm fine-" You said, but ended up throwing up in the middle of your sentence.

"Strawberry I don't think your fine. I'm coming in okay?!" He said as he opened the door. He found you on the floor of the bathroom. You looked so upset. Your hair was a mess and you looked so tired.

"Strawberry, what's wrong? Why are you throwing?" He said kneeling down and putting his hand on your back, rubbing it with his thumb.

"I don't know what wrong with me. I've been throwing up every morning now for a week." You said calmly. 

"Maybe we can get Donnie to figure out what's wrong okay?" He said reisuringly.

"Okay." You said. Then he lifted you up bridle style and carried you carefully to Donnie's lab, trying to keep a steady pace and not move to much. Once you both got there he knocked on the door. Then Donnie opened it.

"Hey what's up- is Y/n okay?" He said worried.

"They've been throwing up for a while now and we don't know why." Still a little worried, Donnie motioned for you both to come in. 

"Set Y/n on the counter over there if they can sit up." He said pointing to the counter. Raph nodded and walked over. He set you down on the table. 

"You okay or do you want me to hold you up?" He said calmly.

"Please hold me up. If it's not a bother. I feel really dizzy." You said as he wrapped an arm around you, which you leaning on his side. 

"Okay Strawberry. It not a bother." He said kissing your forehead. After a while of Donnie checking your temperature and all that stuff Donnie said that you weren't sick or anything. 

"Hey Raph could I talk to you in private, over there." He asked.

"Sure, you okay Strawberry?" He asked.

"Yeah I think I'm good now." You said giving the thumbs up. They both walked over to the corner. And Donnie wrapped an arm around Raph trying to push him down to his level.

"Have you both done 'it' recently?" He asked. 

"Umm yeah why?" Raph asked nervously.

"Well you might want to think about taking a pregnancy test. You know just to be safe. That's my only guess as to why they're throwing up." Donnie whispered. Raph looked at you. He didn't know what to feel.

He has wanted a baby for a while, but didn't know how to bring it up. But he didn't know how you felt. The thought of him being a father made him smile a little though. 

"Okay, thanks D!" Raph said heading over to you. He took your hand and you jumped off the counter. Then you both left the lab and shut the door.

"What were you guys talking about?" You said confused. "Is something wrong with me?!" You said now worried.

"No no no, Strawberry! It's nothing bad, but can I ask you a question?" He said.

"Yeah why?" You said tilting your head to the side.

"How would you feel if we had a baby?" He said looking away from you. 

"Raph are to trying to tell me I might be pregnant?" You said happily. He turned to you to see your huge smile.

"Umm yeah, but we don't know for sure." He said a little surprised. Yous tarted to squeal from excitement. 

"Ohmigosh! I've wanted a baby for so long I just didn't know how to tell you!" You said really happy.

"Me too. But we have to know for sure." He said. You nodded and hugged each other.

A couple of hours later you took the test and you were indeed pregnant. You and Raph were so excited.  You spent the next few months coming up with baby names and reading a lot of what to expect when your expecting books. You both told Raph's brother and they were all very excited! 

"Ohmigosh! Were going to be uncles! I can teach them to ride a bike and cook!" Mikey said happily. 

"Forget about riding a bike. I'm going to teach them to skateboard!" Leo said. You and Raph were very happy that you were finally getting your own bundle of joy.


902 words 

Sorry it's short thank you for the request

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! ❤️

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