Be Happy | Donnie 🌌

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Request from @TOOTSIEPOP12345

You met April right after you got a job at the same place. You had to get a job due to your parents abandoning you. Shortly after you meet Donnie, and become quick friends due to common interests. 

WARNINGS: Mentions of Neglect, Abuse, and Abandonment



3rd person POV

You recently got a job at a place called Albearto's. It sounded weird, but to was a fairly easy job, and surprisingly payed very well. You were fairly young to have a job, but your employers hired you because of how hard working you were, and because they needed the help. 

The reason you had a job so early was due to your parents abandoning you, and leaving you alone in an alley. They didn't want to take the time to put you in a foster home or anything like that, so they just left you somewhere. You obviously couldn't live on your own without a job, so you got one. 

Your entire life you felt emotionless because of the neglect and abuse your parents put you through. In some way you were glad they left you because now you were free, but in other ways, you weren't happy.

One of your coworkers at Albearto's, saw this and tried to make you feel better. That person was April. It took her a while, and a lot of fun faces, to get you to smile, but you eventually did. Now you both have been friends ever since. 

Sometimes you'd have sleepovers, which you loved! Your place wasn't all that great, and April was aware of it, so she'd try to have them as much as possible. 

One day though at work, one of the animatronics were malfunctioning, and April had called some guys to fix him. Which turned him in to a killing machine. And then you met the turtles. It was a weird day for you. 

Now their your best friends, and you almost always go to the lair after work. (You got a new job by the way because you and April definitely got fired.) One turtle though became your best friend, and that was Donnie. 

He understood everything about you, like the way you acted, and how your brain worked. He feels a lot of the things you feel too, just in different ways. You both like to spend time in his lab together. 

He enjoys your company, even if you both don't ever talk, which you don't really. On days you do like to talk, he'll always listen. Besides being similar mentally, you both have many common interests, that you both like to talk about. 

But one day Donnie realized that he may feel like he likes to listen to you talk to much. In fact so much that he never wants to see you stop talking because it makes you happy. And seeing you happy makes him happy. 

The more and more you visit, the more he gets nervous around you, and the more he wanted you to come back. And the more he thought about you, the more the thought about the two of you, and what it would be like. Being able to hold you in his arms, when felt sad. He'd give anything to be the one you'd go to for comfort. 


One day you were going to see him in the lair, only this was late at night. You weren't able to spend the night at April's, and you ended up having a nightmare. You had them fairly often, but usually you'd be with April, but you weren't. 

You knew that Donnie would be awake though because he was always appreciated awake late a night. He was also the only person you knew wouldn't think of you as a burden. Your happy you  feel safe to go to Donnie for comfort. 

You walked into the lair and opened the door to Donnie's lab. The cool air hit your face as you opened the door. You love how cold his lab was. That way you could bring a blanket and cuddle up. Once you entered and closed the door, Donnie faces you, happy about your surprise visit.

"Y/n! What brings you here so late at night?" He said, flipping his goggles up and stopping what he was going. You looked away from him. Sure he knew what you were going through, but you were still a little embarrassed that you had to go to someone else for comfort after a nightmare. 

"I umm- I had a nightmare, and I couldn't go back to sleep." You said, ashamed. He motioned for you to come over to him, so you did. You stared at the floor as you walked over. Once you reached him, he took your hands in his, and you locked eyes. 

"Hey, relax. It's okay. Everyone gets nightmares from time to time. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Is there anything you want me to do?" He said. The truth is he'd honestly do absolutely anything for you. All wanted to do was make you feel better. 

"I-I'd can I have a hug, please?" You said. You knew he wasn't big on physical affection, but you really needed one. Without saying anything Donnie immediately gave you a big hug. You were a little surprised at first, but then you hugged him back tightly. 

"I'm glad you trust me enough to come to me for comfort. It means a lot." He said, as you both ended the hug. "I have something I want to tell you, and I only figure out this a while ago, but I absolutely need to tell. I mean we tell each other everything, so I would be wrong to hide something this important from you." You said, fiddling with his figures.

"You know you tell me anything Dee. What's up?" You said, sweetly. 

"I-I like you, like a lot. And I just wanted you to know that. You don't have to feel the same way or anything I just couldn't hide it anymore." He said, looking away from you. You didn't know what to say.

"I promise I'll treat you right, and never make fun of you or judge you for your trauma. I promise." He said, taking your hands in his once more. You started to get really excited and you hugged him. 

"I love you too!" You said, in the happiest voice he had ever heard come from you. He hugged you back tightly, just like before. "I'm so happy!" 


1079 words 

I'm so glad I finally got another request done!

Thank you for reading. 

Constructive criticism is always appreciated

Have a great day! Ye! 🌌

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