The Stage | Leo 🎬

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You just got a roll in a huge play production, and Leo couldn't be prouder. However right before the show you get a little performance anxiety, and Leo comforts you. 



3rd person POV

You have played many, many roles in various different plays before, but nothing like this. Just recently you tried out for a huge roll in the play everyone's excited for, and man were you excited.

Leo was excited for you too. He's gone to every single performance you've ever been in. He is absolutely your number one fan. So when you told him you got this role, he was probably more excited than you. 

He's just so proud of you. He's so happy you've found something you enjoy doing, and are actually good at. And not only that, but it's something he likes too! He loves plays and movies and all that stuff. He also loves to think that he's dating a star. 

The second you told him your first rehearsal was tomorrow, he immediately went to his closet to find out what he was going to where, when he watched you during the rehearsal. 

He went to absolutely every single rehearsal you had, until the actual performance. Which he is planning to go to all of the actual performances too. 


Finally it was the actual day of your performance. And you and Leo couldn't be more excited. Leo was so excited, that the asked his brothers, Splinter, April, and Draxum to all come. And by asked, I mean he threatened to portal them to China, and leave them there forever, if they didn't come. 

Leo and all of his family, found there seats, and sat down. They were so early that literally nobody else was there yet. You told Leo that if he got here early enough, he'd be able to see you, before the show in your dressing room. 

"Well I'm off to go see my absolutely gorgeous partner, right before their performance. See ya!" He said, getting up to go see you. 

He walked up to the door with a star that said your name. He knocked really quickly, and he heard you say come in. Then he opened the door. 

"Hola, mi amor! You look incredible." He said, hugging you from behind, and kissing your cheek. You loved it when he would hug you from behind. 

"Thanks, honey. I didn't expect you to come so early. I mean I know I told you to come early, but the show doesn't start for another 2 hours." You said, giggling. Then you kissed his cheek. 

"I know, but I wanted to see you as much as possible, and I'm sure my family can keep themselves occupied for a while." He said, kissing you on the lips. 

"Wait, your entire family is here?" You said, surprised. 

"Yep, even Draxum! They all were really excited and were not forced to come at all, whatsoever!" He said, clearly lying. I mean, you know they are really proud of you and all that stuff, but this all isn't really their forte. 

"Wow, I didn't know they'd all come. I thought it was just going to be you. Hehe." You said, a little more nervous. Of course, Leo has always been your biggest fan, and you were always comfortable performing in front of him, but everybody else. 

You started to feel a little more weight on your shoulders. Then your heart started to beat a little faster, and your breathing started to get quicker. You looked at your hands, and they were shaking, and all sweaty. 

"You okay, honeybun?" He said, putting his hand on your shoulder, and looking at you in the vanity mirror. You looked back at him in the reflection, realizing that it was probably very easy to tell you were nervous. 

"Oh, um yeah. I-I'm fine. I'm j-just a l-little scared that's all. I-It's just s-some preshow jitters, that's a-all." You said, Leo could tell you were really scared, as you stuttered while you talked. 

"Are you always like this before the rehearsals? I mean I know that this is the actual show, but even during the rehearsals, a lot of people came." He said, as he took your hand in his. He looked down at your hand, when he felt it shaking and all sweaty. 

"Love, why are you so nervous. There's nothing to be scared of. It's just the same a rehearsal, pretty much." He said, placing a hand on your chin, and moving your face to face him. That way he could see you, and not just your reflection. 

"I know, I know, it's just what if your family doesn't think I'm that good? I mean they know I act, but they've never seen me perform before. What if they expect me to be absolutely great at it, and it turns out I'm not." You said, trying your best to look away from him. 

"Oh, love. It's okay." He said, kissing you and pulling you into a big hug. "They would never judge you for that. All they care about is if it makes you happy." He said, kissing your cheek, and smiling at you. 

"Thanks, Leo. You always know how to make me feel better." You said, hugging him again, trying not to cry and ruin your make up. 

"And I mean, you wouldn't have landed this role, if you weren't good at it." He said, chuckling. It made you laugh. "How many people even tried out for this role?" He asked. 

"Oh, I don't know." You said, shrugging. Leo looked at you like you were definitely lying. "Okay, 247 people, geez." You said, and he giggled. 

"I love you so much, Y/n." He said. 

"I love you too, Leo." 

Before long,it was time for you to go up onto the stage, and you couldn't have been better. Everyone was so proud of you, and the amazing job you did. Leo had surprised you and gotten you a bouquet of flowers, and everyone congratulated you. 

You couldn't ask for a better family. 


1009 words

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Have a great day

Ye 🎬

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