I Want To Be Your Home 💜 x F! Reader (r)

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Request from @Dwatk16

Y/N get cheated on by her boyfriend and goes to Donnie for comfort. Then Donnie confesses to her with a gift and they live happily ever after.

Thank you for the request 


3rd person POV

You were in the room of your apartment crying. You couldn't believe your ex left you for another girl. AND HE BROKE UP THROUGH TEXT!!! Like who does that? You were feeling a feeling between sad and mad. Like smad.

You wanted to go to someone for comfort, but you didn't know who. I mean first of all you should never go to Leo for love advice. Secondly Raph didn't know much about feelings, and third Dr. Feelings is just scary.

And then there was Donnie. The only reason you wanted to date your ex in the first place was to make him jealous, but overtime you fell for him. You thought you lost feelings for Donnie but I guess you were wrong.

You decided to go ahead and calm yourself down and head to the sewers.


Donnie's POV 

I was working on a necklace in my lab. The necklace I was making is able to tell you were you are and how to get home. I was going to give it to Y/n since she gets lost all the time and it was easier than teaching her how to read a map.

Then I started day dreaming about her. I couldn't keep her off my mind. I thought about how beautiful she was and how she would praise me when I gave her the necklace. I loved it when she would praise me.

As I was day dreaming I didn't hear the door open and I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder. I jolted at the touch. Then I saw Y/n standing there next to me, backing away a little.

"I-i'm s-sorry, Donnie." She said so quietly I could barely hear her. I relaxed a little bit, seeing that it was only her. Then I realized that she seemed sad. In fact it looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"It's okay, Y/n. You didn't scare me. You don't have to apologize." After I said that I could still see that she was upset. What was wrong?

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her quietly.

"It's just m-my boyfr-friend ch-cheated on m-me." You said as you stuttered with tears in your eyes. I noticed she was shaking too, and quickly gave her a hug. I held her tight for a couple of minutes. I hated to see her cry.

"That fool doesn't know what he's missing." I said. Then I saw you looking up at me with a few tears still in your eyes.

"Your smart, and funny, and kind. You always care about others. Not to mention your extremely talented. That guy is lucky if he'll ever find someone close to as good as you." I said. Then a small smile started to spread across her face.

"Thank you, Donnie. You always know what to say and how to make me feel better." She said quietly as I held her cheeks and wiped her tears. 

"If you want I can go shut off his internet for a month?" I said, causing her to giggle. I loved her laugh and when she'd giggle. 

"That would kinda be nice, but you shouldn't do that it's mean." You said as you giggled, still in my arms.

"Yes, but what he did to you was mean." 

"Donnie don't shut off his internet for a month. Start with a couple of weeks and then we'll go from there." You said, making us both laugh.



3rd person POV

Donnie had called you over to his lab, about a week after the break up. He said he had a surprise for you, but you didn't know what it was. You were so curious. Once you got to the lair you said hi to his brothers and went to his lab.

You knocked on the door and Donnie opened them, taking your hand and pulling you inside. You were a little surprised at this, but you just shrugged it off. He sat in his chair and pulled out a stool for you to sit on.

"Now if you don't want this you can always tell me, but here." He said quietly, looking away, as he handed you a necklace. The you took it from him and examined the necklace charm. Looking at all the details on it.

"Wow, Donnie! This is beautiful. You made this?!" You said looking happily at him. He was surprised you like it so much. Then a smile grew on his face. 

"Yeah." He said, but then his smile faded as he remembered why he made it. He was so scared to tell you. He didn't want to ruin your friendship.

"I originally made it so you could find your way home, since you get lost all the time, and your a little forget full, but hen I changed its programming a little and well, just click the button on it. It's easier than explaining." He said nervously.

You clicked the button on the necklace and it started to make a quiet beeping sound. Then the voice on it said "locating home." A little red dot appeared on Donnie's wrist console. Then the voice on the necklace said "Home located. 11 inches away from you." You looked at Donnie and he was blushing madly.

"I'm sorry if I ruined our friendship or made you uncomfortable. I just-I want to be you home." You stared at him with light blush on your face. You couldn't believe this was happening was your crush confessing to you?!

"I promise I'll treat you better than your ex. I'll love you with all of my heart. I'll care about your feelings and I'll listen to your opinions. I-I love you." Donnie said as he looked away from you. 

"Donnie, do you really mean all that?" You said in disbelief. Donnie just nodded. Then you hugged him. It startled him a little. He wasn't expecting it. Then he hugged back, buring his face into the crook of your neck.

"I love you too, Donnie. I love you so much." You said as happy tears rolled down your cheeks. 


1025 words 

Thank you for reading!

Constructive criticism is always appreciated!

Have a great day! Ye! 💜

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